Sunday 27 January 2013

Life is too short to finish anythi.......

27th January 2013
Life is too short and unpredictable not to live it exactly as you please!
Yesterday a very special sparkly lady died, she was one of the many ladies I have met through Weight Watchers and one of the few that lived life to the full, taking every opportunity given to her and always with a smile on her face and had bought two beautiful daughters into this world to carry on her sparkle and trust me they’re doing a grand job.  When Kim told me last year that she had cancer I was devastated for her but hoping that with modern medicine she’d be okay, however it was soon made clear that it was terminal and they all embraced the time they had left.  Married for 34 years, only 51 years old - she hated peppers but loved Marmite ;-) and also had four gorgeous grandchildren.  Her sparkle may have faded yesterday but she left behind her shiny mark and I for one will miss her dearly.
This morning I’ve just been reminiscing with my mate Lynne about stuff, it started with food – as always!  We were trying to work out where it was we’d eaten and drooled over the table next to us eating their fish and chips whilst we were having something much lower in ProPoints!  It’s her birthday this weekend so we want the best fish and chip supper ever and that place is an option (it was the Malt Shovel at Chorley by the way).  We couldn’t believe how fast time flies, I got to goal a few months after Lynne gave birth to Jen!  So we’ve known each other since 2004 but only been ‘friends’ as such since February 4th 2011!  It seems longer lol!
We’ve had some fun in those two years though, and lots and lots of giggles, you can’t beat finding someone on the same wavelength who’s in tune with your thoughts and even your body clock.  We’d both rather do lunch than go out at night, we love our Friday lunchtimes rather than Saturday nights clubbing – it’s an age thing.  I have other amazing friends but they’re younger than me and I can’t stay awake ;-).  The other good thing is me and Lynne do the same job so we can discuss that too without boring each other, cos let’s be honest no one enjoys listening to someone talking about their work lol.
So nine years ago Lynne was heavily pregnant and I was having my head shaved bald for charity then about to go on the holiday of my lifetime Whale Watching on the Baja California, I was also the heaviest I’d ever weighed in my life and it was the year I made major life changes and never looked back. 
The day after Jen was born I joined Weight Watchers for the last time, we both had such different lives back then and we still do now really but we just get on really well.  The major thing we have in common is a desire to giggle and not focus on the bad stuff in life, it’s all about food, drink & laughter or peace, love and lager – however you want to put it.
Sorry I’m reminiscing, you can go make a cuppa tea if it’s boring for you ;)
So realise that life happens, don’t put off anything you wished you could do!  If you have an ambition – do everything you can to achieve it, you may surprise yourself.  Your weight shouldn’t even come into it unless that ambition is fitness related in which case you’re weight will change as you train.
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?  If you don’t try you’ll never know!   What would you do TODAY if you knew you were going to die tomorrow!  Do it!  If its food related though realise it’s highly unlikely you are going to die tomorrow so unless you’re happy with the consequences on the scales maybe think of something else!
I think I would go for a nice long walk, so that’s what I’ll do, I would drive to Cannock Chase but it’s vile out there, so I’ll just walk wherever Alfie takes me instead, it’s the fresh air I enjoy and the view and even if it’s a housing estate I’m walking round, I can always find something worth looking at if only the sky!
Sunday is typically a roast dinner day, nothing says ‘perfect Sunday’ better than a good old roast dinner so if you plan to do that, if cooking yourself maybe swap potatoes for roast butternut squash, or mash some into your potato, mmm or swede and potato mash.  Always choose the lean meat and of course pile your plate with veggies.  Don’t forgo those Yorkshire pudding the small ones are only 1pp each.  If you’re lucky enough to be going out for a carvery similar rules apply, check out that eat out guide.
My last day would also include a hot bubble bath, doughnuts, red wine, chocolate and blue cheese, plus Walkers cheese and onion crisps, a cuddle with my mom and a good film. 
Oh dear diet danger alert – about to have an end of the world day I think, so let’s ProPoint it;
Slice of toast with spread – 3pp
Jam Doughnut – 7pp
Galaxy 100g – 15pp
Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps – 4pp
Red wine – 19pp
St Agur Cheese & Crusty Cob – 12pp
Bubble Bath – zero ProPoints ;-)
Good Film – Zero ProPoints ;-)
Hug from mom – Priceless!
Total = 60pp
Cool that’s okay I can do that, 26pp from my allowance, 4pp earned from my activity and the other 30pp from my weeklies!  See we don’t have to wait till the end of the world, it’s all about balance, accountability and control!
Yay, I’m really looking forward to today now ;-) Hope yours is as enjoyable. xx


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