Friday 11 January 2013

Inspired & Motivated to Eat Gorgeous by my members

11th January 2013
Don’t let go of the vine. Johnny Weissmuller, film's Tarzan
Well I’m no inspiration am I, I gained a bloomin pound on the scales yesterday, if I keep going in that direction I’ll have to pack my job in!  Never fear it’s all under control, I knew I’d struggle to sort myself out, I always do first week back, I’ve been doing it for the last 8 years as a leader.  So I was very motivated by you all this week, an amazing 540lb lost that’s thirty eight and a half stone – WOW!  A cracking start to what’s going to be a truly inspirational year of Eating Gorgeous!
One particular person who motivated me yesterday was weighed within minutes of myself, Rachel lost 5lb and I was envious.  I asked her how she’d got back on track so easily, we’re quite alike in our eating habits me and Rach so when she said she’d followed the Filling & Healthy plan I was intrigued as I know her appetite is as healthy as mine.  I interrogated her (ok I didn’t I just asked her a few questions) but her answers did make me want to give it a go, she told me she hadn’t been hungry and had felt more alert which is exactly what I need in my life right now.  That was it I was going to do Filling & Healthy for the week, I would love the 5lb weight loss she’d got but I’d be happy with any weight loss at all if I’m honest, I’d like to lose a pound a week until we go away in June, the beginning of June is only 20 weeks away, so even if I have a couple of blips that’s totally doable.  One member who joined last night told me that if she lost a pound a week she would be at her goal weight by her wedding day, now that’s planning and very motivating. 
You are all so inspiring in your own ways without even realising it you know, it isn’t always about the numbers for me, I always have great admiration for those of you who have so many problems and obstacles, yet you still continue with your weight loss journey despite it all, you really are awesome each and everyone one of you.
So back to the Filling & Healthy, that was it I was on it, luckily I’d had nimble toast for breakfast so I only had to ProPoints the spread.  My week starts on a Thursday so I had all my weeklies intact and there to use for the extra bits like spread and of course red!  As requested by Diane and a few others here is my tracker for the day;
F&H day
Breakfast 2 x nimble toast & spread        1pp
Lunch Cottage Pie (all ingredients F&H except taco seasoning) & veggies               1pp
Snack before work Ham & cucumber on nimble toast
Tea Biryani Curry (all ingredients F&H except WW Curry Paste) 1pp
Red Wine 12pp – Why can’t it be F&H it makes me Fun & Happy though ;-)
Weekly Allowance = 49pp & Earned today on Pedometer = 6pp
Total to spend = 55p
Total spent today = 15pp
Left to spend this week = 40pp
I think that makes sense and trust me I wasn’t hungry in the slightest, my tea was delicious and huge and I can’t wait to do my tracker today, obviously I won’t be ProPointing everything this week so won’t be able to give you a ProPoints value for what I eat, but I do know how many ProPoints I roughly consumed yesterday because it had all been worked out earlier in the week, it would have been this;
Breakfast 2 x nimble toast & spread        4pp
Lunch Cottage Pie & veggies       7pp
Snack before work Ham & cucumber on nimble toast  4pp
Tea Biryani Curry 17p
Red Wine 12pp
So it would have been a total of 44pp, baring in mind I’d earned 6pp on my pedometer and had my weeklies still intact that would have been good for a Thursday as last Thursday I consumed 58pp and earned 8pp.  So this will be an interesting week for me to see if I do finally have my appetite under control, if I can switch off when I’m full and lose weight by realising when I’ve had enough.
So moving on to the events of the day ahead, my Alfie is going to the vets to be neutered, I’m dreading the weekend with one of those plastic collars, he’ll hate it and will be a nightmare, but hey ho, it has to be done if we are to holiday with the Wyatt’s regularly because poor Roxie can’t put up with that and neither can we to be honest!
I feel very positive this morning, on a Friday morning I’ve usually blown Thursday night, or at least consumed more than I’d planned but because of the meeting talks this week about planning, I realised Thursday is one of my routines I need to sort and I did, I was really looking forward to eating my tea and it was delicious and because of that satisfaction I didn’t want to eat anything else, nor had I spent my evening thinking, “what can I have for my tea?”
So which routine do you need to look at that would help your weight loss efforts?  Have a think, you’ll be glad you did.
Here’s to a Happy Day & remember Eat Gorgeous. xx

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