Saturday 19 January 2013

Happy Wine Day to me, or something like that!

19th January 2013
A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Well I had a lovely day yesterday, once I’d finished my paperwork around lunchtime, me and Alfie had a walk in the snow, it was okay to walk in, I’m sure throughout the day we had about 5 or 6 inches because I kept clearing off the huge bird table mom has (its 3ft x 5ft!), so for obvious reasons I don’t want to be going out in this weather even if it is to celebrate my birthday, so I decided to have a wine tasting experience of my own ;-) I opened 4 different bottles and had a glass from each, I am pleased to report the more expensive one on this occasion wasn’t the best, the best was the cheapest.  And I will most definitely be trying to get my hands on another bottle or two from M&S, having said that I do have a strange taste in wine compared to some, I don’t like smooth, I like heavy, I can’t really explain the flavour but it’s nearly always a Pinotage wine.
I also cooked a lovely beef dinner, used my Actifry to make the roast potatoes, carrots, and butternut squash.  Then on the night had blue cheeses & crackers, so yesterday was a ProPoint day.
Today I plan to chill again, no rushing, no stressing, just chilling and enjoying the company of the woman that bought me into this world, because she is amazing.  Yesterday as we were sat in the living room, she's said, "there's a big white car outside", erm no mom that's my car covered in snow!  You gotta love her xx
I’ve finally got my jar to start my memory jar, I had forgotten a little about it, I was initially going to do it in a scrapbook but then someone gave me a jar of pink & white mice sweets for mom and I’ve stolen the jar, it’s lovely.  And today will be the first day I put something in it, it’ll be the label off my lush bottle of wine and a slip of paper with the snow car comment mom made.  Because I read this the other day about a memory jar;
As children grow, they learn to speak, and have so much to say.
They crack us up and make us smile each and every day.
All the things they do and say, we think we will recall.
But as they age, so do we, and we don’t recall at all!
So hear it, write it, drop it in, that’s all you have to do, to help remember the things they did, and what was said by who!
And realised it’s not just children who say wonderful things, it’s grownups too and yes my memory sucks.  People are always saying you should write a book of all the things you’re mom says and I never do, but it’ll be easy to write the odd comment on a piece of paper and pop it in the jar ;)
I think I might start my day with eggs on toast, or chucky eggs and soilders mmm nice, sunshine on a plate to counteract the lack of it outside!  
In the words of Plautus Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.

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