Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bit of a chicken theme to my diet this week!

21st January 2013

It's not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it's who you are. Elvis Presley

It was Blue Monday yesterday, apparently the one day of the year when folk are at their all time low due to the weather, the debt etc, so how did you hold up?  I’ve got to say I wasn’t impressed with the weather, but instead of sulking about it, I took Alfie for a couple of walks and also cleaned off my car which hadn’t been off the drive since Thursday and had a foot of snow on the top of it!  The roads were surprisingly okay which was a relief as I really don’t like driving in this weather; I managed to get to work, the supermarket and home safe.  After I caught up on my paperwork, I made myself a steak and spinach sandwich with roast cherry tomatoes, it was delicious.  By the end of the day I had 8pp earned on my pedometer, I even cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom!!! What’s going on here, two rooms in two days, either I’m very bored or I’ve been taken over by the tidy monster!
If this spurt of domestic goddess energy can continue for a week or more, I’ll have done every room ;-)

January really is a difficult time to get motivated to do anything isn’t it, it’s not just Blue Monday that’s the problem, it’s the entire month, we’re skint, it’s cold, dark, and now snowing!  We’ve just had December where we ate and drank whatever we wanted, now it’s January and we’re expected to put the brakes on and curb our appetite!  It’s been months since we had a hot sunny day and will be months before we see one!  So how do we motivate ourselves to move more and eat healthy, mmm answers on a postcard please ...

No seriously, we can, we may not be perfect but as long as we’re doing what we can when we can, then we will succeed.  Yes I could confess that the steak I had for my dinner yesterday was probably too big a piece but at least I had veggies with it, back in the day I wouldn’t have, I’d have had cheese!  I could confess that Alfie’s morning walk was only 20 minutes long, but at least it was 20 minutes and I took him for a 45 minute one on the afternoon! 
You can focus on the positive or dwell on the negative, I know which will help me and I’m sure the same will help you, so what are your positives?  Start focusing on them; remind yourself why you want to move more and eat healthy.  It’s hard to remember those reasons when faced with a giant chocolate bar, or when you’re surrounded by kids because of a snow day, or when someone is winding you up!  If you do manage to remind yourself and resist temptation HUGE PAT ON THE BACK for you, if you don’t please don’t give yourself a hard time, imagine it’s someone else with a weight problem who’s really trying to lose weight and has had a bad day and slipped, what would you say to them, would you give them a hard time, I hope not.  So as soon as you start to berate yourself, remember you’re not messing up on purpose, you’re human and we all slip up.

I’ve found the easiest way for me to eat healthy is to make sure what I eat is tasty, that’s why I popped to Sainsbury’s yesterday and treated myself to some nice meals, 3 for £10, they were;
Just Cook range
Chicken fillets with Chorizo & Machego cheese crumble (serves 2 – 7pp each)
Chicken fillets with mozzarella, basil & bacon (serves 2 – 6pp each)
Chicken crown with garlic & rosemary marinade  (serves 3 – 5pp each)

All will be served with lots of veggies, and maybe potato or rice.  Just shows if you have your ProPoints calculator, you don’t have to buy special food! 

Of course you can make your own from scratch, but I'm in cleaning mode, not cooking mode at the moment!  If you fancy cooking there's some great recipes on my website www.happyowls.co.uk, this weeks your week has a delicious roasted veg pizza recipe in it, or chicken pies in this months magazine, inspiration is everywhere, you just need to look. xx
Have a fab day, SNOW excuses, stay on track xx

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