Friday 21 December 2012

Let the festivities commence....

"What happens when people open their hearts?"..."They get better."- Haruki Murakami,
End of an era!  That’s what yesterday was, Kath my helper did her last meetings and we all got very sad as we gave her the gifts and cards we’d all got her and told her how much we were going to me her.  Over £100 we collected for her, my members were so generous and she was very touched by it all.  I will miss her very much; she’s been consistent all the years I’ve known her, such a positive person and very real.
So I’ve not got a meeting now till January 2nd, and once I’ve done my paperwork I going to enjoy a good rest and break from it al, I may or may not blog, I will see how I feel – I’m just going to be doing exactly what I fancy doing, no pressure no stress, no hassle.  Sounds like bliss, then I remembered Jen and Will the two kids coming with us and I remembered I won’t get a lot of say in some things as those two can be very convincing!
Oh we had a small victory yesterday; I only went and lost weight!  1.5 lb off, so that’s good before my holiday, it shows I’m not a total lost cause and that my own body actually tells me when to stop these days, which is just fabulous!  We’ve all agreed that whatever happens over Christmas we will come back smiling say, “I had a fabulous Christmas”, get on the scales and get on with it!  I even had a new member last night so that just shows that some people out there will be staying on track and my new member that joined last week had lost 6lb this week so good stuff.
There was a great article in the Daily Mail yesterday saying how Weight Watchers is the best out there, the NHS agrees and on the radio it said you’re 54% more likely to keep your weight off with Weight Watchers.  Well what can I say, we already knew that didn’t we, it’s the best and I’ve kept mine off for 8.5 years, mom for 8 years – yes it’s the best.  And as we agreed in the meeting yesterday morning, it’s not just a diet, it’s also a social community, friends have been made in many of my meetings, heck I’ve met my best friends through Weight Watchers and it’s a huge part of my life.
My amazing members have lost 1,997 stone between them this year and 98 of them have achieved their final goals.  However there has been so much more success, Denise ended the year on 292.5lb that’s just shy of 21 stone, Rachel is looking sensational 10 stone lighter, oh there’s just too many to list, those are just two ladies I weighed yesterday morning and thought WOW.  So many of you share you’re amazing stories with me, not just the weight talk but your life’s, you’re all so inspirational and often move me with what you cope with.  Then there’s the joy, the text messages I get when you’re in changing rooms and you’ve just got into a pair of size 12 (or whatever size) jeans, or some other situation that has made you feel sensational and you want to share with me.  I feel very privileged to be taken into your hearts and blessed to be so fortunate to have a job I truly enjoy.  I’m always touched when a member tells me I’m the best leader they’ve ever had, or that they couldn’t have done it without me.  Some of the things you’ve written in my Christmas cards have moved me to tears – I’m not a big softie at all much.  Yep I love Weight Watchers and all it’s bought to my life, it’s not just helped me lose weight it’s softened me too.
On that note, I’m not going to be doing a great deal of weight watching for the next week ;-), I’m about to have a fabulous holiday, and leave my brother and his wife to finish making my house lovely – aren’t I lucky!  We shall be partaking in a MacDonald’s half way to Wales; it’s a tradition on our 4.5 hour journey.  Then from then I really don’t stand much of a chance because my best mate who is also a Weight Watcher will be with me and we shall more than likely spend the week leading each other astray!  I will however be walking my mom and her dog once or twice a day so at least I’ll be getting some exercise. 
All that’s left for me to say just in case I don’t blog (but I bet I will, I won’t be able to stay away!) is Happy Christmas folks, have the best one ever, remember it’s not about how much you spend it about how much you love.  Kids want time and attention so much more than material stuff, I was a lucky kid I got so much of my mom’s time and we had fun.
Xxxxx Here’s to an amazing 2013 xxxxxx

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