Wednesday 12 December 2012

I'm not prepared to gain a stone this month - are you!?

12th December 2012
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle. Christian D. Larson
Well I was a productive person yesterday!  Focusing on one thing at a time does really help you pay attention; I still had my time on Facebook but limited it to when I was on my pc and only then for a short time.  I have actually deleted the Facebook app on my phone then I can’t just click on it and yes it’s a good thing to do for me right now. I also really enjoyed my walk with Alfie; it cleared my head ready for my meetings and gave me some thinking time. 
I suppose I could use some of the spare time this afternoon to sort some of my office, whether I will or not is another matter altogether but the thoughts there!  To be honest I’m just in Christmas wind down now, I have 9 more sleep till I get 10 days off and I’m really looking forward to chilling out. 
I’m super impressed at my members that are still doing fab regardless of the season, Jill got to her goal yesterday which is fabulous, I wander if anyone will do today, wouldn’t it be great to have  the date 12/12/12 on your gold card as the date you achieved your goal!  Funny, I’ve just realised any date would be great to see it written on your goal card when you’re actually working hard to get there!
Let’s talk about hot chocolate and fruit cake – now there’s a total chance of subject but hey that’s how my mind works!  Okay so this is the time of year when some of us throw caution to the wind and just eat anything ‘because it’s Christmas’, try to stay aware of your environment and the choices you are making, don’t leave all your decisions to chance because trust me for all your, “oh I don’t care, it’s Christmas – I’ll sort it on January” thoughts and comments, trust me if you get on a set of scales in January having gained anything up to a stone – YOU WILL CARE!  I see it so often, heck I’ve been it and you do care, you pretend you don’t and even if you know you can get it off, it’s a damn sight harder to lose than it ever was to gain.
So hot chocolate, an innocent looking cup of brown loveliness which can be overloaded with ProPoints, I made my own on Sunday, I used Cadbury’s highlights so it was only 1pp but then I added a few Marshmallows which took it up to 4pp!  Now I do know Sainsbury’s do sugar-free marshmallows which are about 3pp for the packet so that could’ve made that drink much lower if I’d thought about it beforehand.  In Costa one can vary from 4 – 13pp, an M&S regular would be 10pp, Starbucks ones are anything up to 17pp!  You’re getting the gist I’m guessing, this is how easy it is to do a little bit or a lot of damage over Christmas. 
Now fruit cake with marzipan and ice cream, I had a delicious (actually divine) piece last night from a christening cake made by one of my helpers and she informed me that this piece was 7pp and if I was to remove the icing and marzipan 5pp, look at it, not exactly huge! 
So what about Christmas cake, Mr Kiplings Christmas cake slices are 4pp each, Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Poinsettia Christmas Cake 8pp for a 76g piece.  It’s rarely the main meals that cause the damage it’s the bits, 50g peanuts = 8pp, every 25g of Pringles is 3-4pp, there are 190g in a tube, you do the math!
What I’m trying to get across is practice the art of NO, even occasionally, try to cure yourself of the ‘sod it’ syndrome this month because the symptoms might not be painful but the prognosis is a pretty hefty weight gain which you will not like and the treatment will be a course of counting ProPoints for even longer until you get to goal.
Think on, it’s choice not chance that dictates your destiny.
Enjoy today; the 12/12/12 is the last repetitive day you will ever see!

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