Tuesday 4 December 2012

Don't get your tinsel in a tangle!

4th December 2012

A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world: everyone you meet is your mirror. Ken Keyes Jr.

Well I’ve just had almost 9 hours sleep – bliss and I obviously needed it or I would’ve woke up ;-)

Yesterday appeared to be Moaning Monday for a lot of people online so I turned off Facebook and did some scrapbooking on the afternoon instead, really enjoyed losing myself for a hour in paper and glue, it’s very relaxing for me because yes like everyone else’s life mine can be a little difficult at times especially when I’m feeling a tad hormonal.  However it is the life I chose so wallowing and whining about it doesn’t change anything, so instead I find a way of dealing with the hard bits, but if I’m honest I don’t want to change anything.  Of course if I had the power I would make my mom pain free and give her back her memory, but I can’t so instead I will answer her every time she repeatedly asks me the same question, because telling her she’s already asked me will only make her feel bad.  I will also sit and watch ‘my programmes’ whilst she moans about how ridiculous they are and how she has no idea what’s going on because she’s never seen them before!  Aren’t people great, I’m expected to sit through programmes she likes but she isn’t expected to reciprocate?  I’m smiling whilst I type this because it’s just an example of people and life and we all have our own tales to tell, everyone has a story don’t they?  Don’t get me wrong I don’t smile all the time but I do always remind myself it’s all good, as long as it’s not life threatening none of it really matters!

Yesterday I also had a walk round TK Maxx, I wanted something to hang all my different tapes on for my crafting table but I didn’t want to pay a lot, I ended up with a mug tree – perfect and only a couple of quid.  I also bought me a box, when I picked the box up I just started smiling and every time I look at it I smile.  It’s a little red box with “This kitchen is seasoned with love” written on it, and it made me smile because it reminded me of a story I knew.  When I got back I searched online to find that story and I want to share it with you now;
 A young child grew up watching her mother prepare their family meals. At the end of food preparation she noticed her mother, Anna, would always reach over the stove and bring down a beautifully carved old box. Anna would open the box, take a pinch of the ingredient and add this to the food. The young child asked her mother, "What is in the box?" Anna would always reply, "An old family recipe - a family secret."

The young child watched her mother repeat this ritual many times over the years. When the young child was grown with a daughter of her own, she was given the carved box upon her mother's death. She, too, performed the daily ritual of Anna's box, and told her young daughter, "It's a family secret." The young daughter was very curious about the contents of this magical box and could hardly wait to find out its mysterious secrets. The years passed and she forgot about the special box.

When her mother passed on many years later, she inherited the carved box. She was so excited to finally receive this gift and discover its hidden secrets. Holding it gently, she slowly opened the beautifully carved box only to find it empty. Surprised at first, she then smiled and lovingly closed the lid. She now realized that the box did contain a special recipe. It was a recipe for the love a person has for her family - a reminder to cook with love. It was the intention and action of looking into the box and remembering to add a pinch of love to every dish prepared that created the magic of Anna's box.

Isn’t that a beautiful story and I think it’s not only important to cook with love but to do everything with love, because if you’re not, you may end up a little bitter!

Take care of you, go share some love today. xx

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