Monday 24 December 2012

Aaah can you hear that - no, fab that's called quiet!

24th December 2012
Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.  Hannah Arendt
If you're struggling to stay on track and you wanted to, remind yourself weight loss is for life not just for Christmas, it's not what you do between Christmas and New Year that determines your success, it's what you do from New Years day till the following Christmas.  Just do your best, and forgive yourself for the rest.  Don't forget you're already gorgeous, any weight loss is a bonus to your health not your beauty xx
Well I’m not sure about these video recorders on the iphone!  My mates getting some right material from me to blackmail me with in the new year, I’m now learning the words to One Direction with Jen, we’re getting quite good – NOT!  Little Jen is sharp as a knife, she stole my chair so I sat on her, her mom asked if she was alright, I said something like, “what do you reckon, she’s got eleven stone sat on her!”, Jen’s response, “12”, cheeky little thing ;-) but very, very quick witted for an 8 year old.
I reckon she gets it from her dad maybe because when Lynne asked him to take our photo in our Christmas aprons, he said “has this phone got a wide angle lens”, good job we’re not delicate, sensitive souls isn’t it.
I have a feeling today is going to be emotional, the kids are already wound up beyond belief with Christmas excitement, so this morning they’re being taken swimming to try and wear them out a little, and that’ll give me time to put the treasure hunt in place to give them something to keep them occupied later.  I’ll also get food stuff ready for tomorrow, oh and go fetch potatoes because we’ve run out.
Of course we’re over-indulging, it’s to be expected, we’re on our holiday and it’s Christmas however I don’t think we’re going crazy, we had cheese and crackers last night, but made it our meal rather than an add on to our dinner.  We also only bought so much junk, i.e. crisps, Pringles, nuts etc so once they’re gone, they’re gone, I only like the plain Pringles and they’ve gone now so that’s ok, I did go a little OTT on the salted peanuts so asked Ian to hide or finish the bowl for me, he must have done because I haven’t seen it since.
We had sausage, mash and peas yesterday, nom nom, with the gravy left over from our lamb dinner the day before, how many ProPoints, who knows but possibly my days allowance in a meal.  I’ve just realised I haven’t actually had a pudding since arriving, unless an Irish Coffee can be counted as pudding!
The bath here is amazing, it’s huge and the taps are in the middle, I spent a good hour in there yesterday, then Lynne and little Jen had their turn, apparently Jen was telling me there’s a phone on the bath and they were talking to Santa, and he played a trick on them by squirting water down the phone ;-) (it’s the shower head on the taps just in case you hadn’t realised!)
I did have two fabulous walks yesterday, the first one with everyone on the morning, then a second on my own with the dogs, if it stays dry today I may walk the coastal path the other way, we shall see. Forecast says 90% chance of rain, going down to 30% on Thursday – boo!  The photo book will most definitely be called, “A SqWelshy Christmas”.
It’s 5.55am and it’s so quiet, that’s the first time since we arrived that I’ve sat early in morning on my own, the two dogs are lying asleep by me and it’s blissful.  Having said that, I’m really enjoying the craziness of it all, the kids are great, excitable but funny and fun.  Mom and me had a Val Doonican singing session yesterday!  Yes really, we did, we’d seen a You Tube video about Lola the pug that can’t run and the tune was from a Doonican song, so we You Tubed them and me and mom reminisced and had a good old sing song, yes that made me feel old I have to say, Lynne’s only 2 years younger than me and had no idea who I was on about, we’re like, “you know Delaney's Donkey, and , O'Rafferty's Motor Car”, she hadn’t a club and maybe you don’t either but in our house there was 9 people with totally different tastes in music from pop to punk to reggae to country, so I ended up with a real eclectic taste in music.
Exciting or what, I’m just gonna take the turkey out the freezer cos its Christmas Eve!  Have a fabulous day, remember it’s not about the money and how much you spend it’s about the love and time and being together.   
Happy Christmas xx


  1. Still really enjoying your blog - your metion of the Val Doonigan songs really touched a nerve with me, he was my Mom's favourite and we too knew all the words. God bless my Mom x.

    Sorry about the rain, but when I first told my husband you were going there for Christmnas he did say he hoped you like rain as it always does in Wales!!
    Continue to have a brill Christmas and holiday.

    Love Phyl

  2. The rains not bothering me, it was lovely and fresh walking in it this morning ;-)
