Wednesday 28 November 2012

Skillpower not Willpower is the future!

28th November 2012
A pleasure is not full grown until it is remembered. C.S. Lewis
Have you ever been so full you thought you'd burst and just then someone says, "Who wants pudding?" And you reply "I do!"  We’ve all done it haven’t we, and occasionally a lot of us still do.  I’m improving I have to admit, I can feel when if I have something else I’m going to regret it later because I’ll be so full it would cause me discomfort, but sometimes I forget!
Will this be your Christmas this year, using the old, “oh it’s Christmas” line, or will you have a bit of what you fancy but not too much (oh I’m allowed to talk Christmas now by the way because it’s less than a calendar month away and advent starts on Saturday and anyway I’m a little bit excited and I need to discuss it!
I’ve been preparing!  In none expected ways ;-) yes I’ve done the Christmas shopping that I plan to do, only bought presents for kids, and yes they’re all wrapped!  But that’s not the kind of preparing I mean, I mean preparing for the eating and drinking, I’m practising.  Two weeks ago I bought cheese, at least 10 small pieces of different kinds of cheese and I gave myself permission to eat them if I wanted, rather than wait to eat them Christmas day when I’ll be full from my turkey dinner, I thought it would make sense to enjoy the special flavour cheeses beforehand, and I’m rather pleased that I haven’t even touched 7 of them yet and those I have indulged in have been at a sensible amount.  So I’m realising I can have everything, I just can’t have it all on the same day or I won’t feel well.
Mom’s also decided she’d like to keep the weight off that’s she’s lost from being poorly, I’ve been trying to fatten her back up but she wants it to stay off because she thinks it might help her pain in her body, so we have talked about the foods that we need to NOT have in our house, one because they won’t help her keep the weight off and two because I just can’t resist them when they are there!  Walkers Cheese & Onion Crisps are now officially banned from the Longsden household as are any cheddar type biscuits and Asda cheese savoury sandwich filler!  They are too easy to grab and eat and lose loads of ProPoints in a few minutes, and I can not resist them when I’m fancying something.
I’m sure we all have those foods we can’t resist and a lot of us use the fact that “I have to have it in the house for the others”, no we don’t!  Really, we don’t do we, is it neglect is you don’t have YOUR particular favourites in the house for the other half or the kids?  I’m sure they would be all to happy for you not to buy that food if they realised how much it would help you, and really is it doing them any good eating those foods anyway or are you helping set them up for a similar future to you!
If you’re not sure what those foods are that you can’t resist start keeping a journal, you’ll soon identify those moments when you wobble, tracking is the one thing that gives you control over your food choices, tells you where you are with your weight loss efforts and shows you where you’re spending the majority of your ProPoints!  If you were to realise that every night you spend 4pp on a packet of crisps then maybe actually seeing it on a page will make you think mmm, maybe there is a better way to spend 28pp a week!  I know I have! 
This week I haven’t tracked properly since Thursday and I stopped altogether on Sunday and I know I have ignored the fact that I’m overeating!  I usually write it down regardless but because I haven’t my portion sizes have been ridiculous!  Therefore my little notepad is coming back out this week and for the whole of December I’m going to use it to learn about myself, to find out the times and foods that give me a problem and I’ve also realised that I have a monthly eating cycle too, so I will use it to identify that also.  Tracking whether in the zone or not will help you shed more light on where need to make changes or tweaks, it’s definitely helped me the last three months!
Here’s to taking care of you! xx

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