Tuesday 20 November 2012

Don't be fooled by your willpower!

20th November 2012
To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another.
Katherine Paterson
I’m loving the Morrison’s chocolate advert, I think it sums up exactly why we shouldn’t buy tins of chocolate before Christmas, I’m sure a lot of you will agree, watch it then read on!
So in a tub of Celebrations, there are approximately 94 sweets in a tub (I've counted them) at 885g there’s 115pp in the entire tub and using the nutritional information it works out at 1pp for one, 2pp for two, 4pp for three! Getting the gist!

2 tubs totals 230pp which if that was all I ate for a whole week, would be my 49pp weekly allowance and 7 days of my 16 Daily ProPoints! It'll leave me with 1pp.
So think before buying and think again before taking the tape off the tub! 
I’m in the zone at the moment, really enjoying eating well, keeping myself occupied so that I’m not thinking about food too much and yet I still got tempted yesterday.  I popped to Hooty’s store to pick up a few things for Christmas and as I walked across the car park the smell of hot dogs and burgers hit me, the thought, "I've only had 5pp so far today, and they smell good", flashed through my mind. I watched two people walk away chomping down on them, then I looked at the lady serving and she was flipping burgers with one hand and eating a burger with the other (not very hygienic as she licked her fingers!) The other thing I also noticed was the ladies walking away and the server was none of them looked very happy, they weren’t smiling or really paying any attention to what they were eating, the were just shovelling it in!  So realising it was probably almost 20pp I changed my mind and walked into the shop.  I reminded myself I may think I’m hungry but I didn’t feel/think that way until I got out of my car and smelt those burgers.  So instead I waited until I got home and had a massive jacket potato with cheese and low fat spread which actually probably came to 20pp as well, but it was planned and I really enjoyed it – I don’t eat jacket potatoes very often for that reason, I tend to put a lot of spread on it making it not such a filling and healthy meal!
So yes, regardless of how ‘in the zone’ you think you are, temptations all around and you may find it difficult to resist if you buy those tins of chocolates no matter how strong you felt the day you bought them, that feeling may not hold 24/7!
I’m off to the German Christmas Market on Friday in Birmingham and I was warned yesterday it’s like running the gauntlet with all the food / drink along the way, but I was also told if I hold out at the other end I can get myself a nice Tikka Wrap from an Indian place!  Will I, mmm we shall see!
I shopped in Morrison’s yesterday, didn’t need much just wanted a browse really, and I noticed all the Christmas foods and realised that there are foods there I haven’t eaten in a while, some of which I do want to indulge in and some I can live without.  So instead of having an overload of cheese over Christmas and eating it all in a few days, I bought some yesterday which I will include in my meal plans this week, that way I can ensure I’ve got the ProPoints for them.  I’ve also realised that I don’t need a lot of the stuff, if we buy it we will just eat it because it’s there, so I’m planning on being choosy – are you?
I don’t want to come back from my holiday in January having undone all the good progress I’ve made up to now finding my happy nutritional balance, I don’t want to have heartburn and indigestion for the week I’m away and I don’t want to feel sluggish and tired like I know I do when I eat a load of rubbish.  Yes from now on I’m going to start listening to my body – today it’s telling me it wants some greens as it didn’t get enough yesterday!  Oh no now I’ve got a talking body to add to my ogre ;-)!  I’m not a freak at all – I won’t have it said.
Remember whatever you eat, ask yourself – are you taking care of YOU? xx

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