Monday 22 October 2012

Taming your Gremlin!

22nd October 2012

You only live once? False! You live every day - you only die once!
Didn’t just sit on my backside yesterday for a change, after I walked Alfie on the morning in the fog I spent a few hours sorting through my recipes magazines and putting them all in my recipe folders so I could throw away the rest of the magazines – too much junk in my house.  On the afternoon I managed to get mom to come for a walk with me, we didn’t go far, just across the road to the canal where we saw a heron and got really close to it so we were both happy about that.  I made her poached eggs & cheese on toast, she’s not got much of an appetite lately so it was good to see her really enjoy something, I had my cottage pie that I cooked Saturday, not bad at all.  I then read in the bath for an hour before finally sitting on our backsides and just chill out watching tv, XFactor was on but I’ve got to say I don’t really watch it, I’m faffing doing other stuff.  Perfect Sunday doesn’t it sound?  It wasn’t but we’re working on that. Xxx
I started reading a book I think I’m going to love called, ‘Taming your gremin by Rick Carson’, I just love all that self help stuff, it’s helped me in the past and I also like to pass the info one and help members and you lot reading this.  The book isn’t about dieting but I’m just going to share with you a paragraph which is so true;  
“Here we sit, you and I, wrapped up in our bodies,…..

But we’re not our bodies.  We’re not.  Our bodies are constantly changing masses of matter.  As a matter of fact, if you’re over 30, as we speak, you ears are getting bigger, your nose is getting longer, and the distance is shrinking from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.  Frightening, but so.  Bodies change.  My body has done so dramatically.  A lean 165 pounds now, I used to weigh, and this is the astonishing truth, 7 pounds 8 ounces.  We’re not our bodies”
I love that, I also love everything that follows that paragraph in the first chapter, so I’m hoping the book will be interesting.  The book suggests your gremlin interprets your every experience. He has nothing good to say about you or anything you do, not to mention your dreams and aspirations. Just when you feel you've out-argued or overcome him, he changes his disguise and his strategy. Grapple with him and you become more enmeshed. What he hates is simply being noticed. That's the first step to his taming. That what the books about and without going into too much detail that’s exactly how my day ended with my Gremlin having a field day with me!  Even though earlier I’d started that book, and my Gremlin genuinely doesn’t cause me too much grief these days because I’ve already done a lot of personal development work on myself, last night he/she whatever it is really went to town and messed with my head. 

I’ve slept but it wasn’t a good sleep, my brain has been going over and over stuff all night, so I’d just like to thank my Gremlin for that!  And warn it that this book is gonna help me tame that Gremlin – watch this space! 
I am aware that I’m talking in riddles but I don’t want to share those thoughts I was having last night because they weren’t just about me and well bearing my soul online is one thing, but other peoples – maybe not.

You’re either getting this Gremlin thing or thinking I’m a lunatic right now ;-), either’s good with me, I’m not sure how much you’re allowed to share of someone’s book but as this next bit I’m going to share is available as a preview on Amazon I think it should be ok, and who knows I might help him sell a few copies.  So this is what he say’s about your gremin;
“You already have some sense of your gremlin, though perhaps you never have focused your awareness on him or labelled him.  Your gremlin is the narrator in your head.  He has influenced you since you came into this world, and he accompanies you throughout your entire existence.  He’s with you when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.  He tells you who and how you are, and he defines and interprets your every experience.  He wants you to accept his interpretations as reality, and his goal, from moment to moment, day to day, is to squelch the natural, vibrant you within. 

I’m not sure of the factors that contributed to the makeup of your particular gremlin.  I am sure, however, that he uses some of your past experiences to hypnotise you into forming and living your life in accordance with self-limiting and sometimes frightening generalisations about you and what existence holds for you.
Your gremlin wants you to feel bad, and he carries out this loathsome pursuit via some sophisticated manoeuvres, which we will discuss later, and by convincing you to waste time reliving the past, worrying about the future, and analysing the relationships between all sorts of people and things.  Your gremlin wants you to believe that he has your best interest at heart and that his primary purpose is to serve and honour you.  His motive is actually less honourable.  He is intent on making you miserable.

Your gremlin’s caution about life and living is inordinate and his methods of control are overzealous.  He is not merely your inner critic or simply a part of your psychological makeup.  Your gremlin is not your negative thoughts – he is the source of them.  He is not your less-than-positive past experiences – he uses them.  He is not your fears – he taunts you with them by creating the horror movie about yoru future that you sometimes watch. 
He is your gremlin, and his personality, like his dastardly intention, is all his own.  One thing is for certain.  As you begin to notice your gremlin, you will become acutely sensitive to the fact that you are not your gremlin, but rather, his observer.  You will see clearly that your gremlin has no real hold on you.  As this awareness develops, you will begin to appreciate and enjoy your life more and more. It is for you, the observer, that this book is written.

Ooo I can’t wait to read it, cos my Gremlin had me crying myself to sleep last night, soI’m ready to kick his ass!  So if any of that strikes a cord, watch this space, I’ll let you know how the rest of the book goes. 
And apologies for making a Monday morning so damn serious, but hey sometimes reality sucks!

I’m smiling again now I’ve wrote all that – love rambling on my blog.

Have a great day. x

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