Tuesday 2 October 2012

STOP saying no to PIE!

2nd October 2012
Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. Robert Schuller
Oh I made the most delicious cheese and onion pie yesterday, very easy, fried about 4 large onions in 1tbsp sunflower oil till it was good, cooked 300g (6pp) potato and 300g suede and onion carrot, then mashed them all together, put that in the bottom of my dish.  Then grated 400g of Cathedral city cheese (40pp) or any you like put half over the mash, then add the onions, then top with the other half of cheese and top with a sheet of JusRol Shortcrust pastry (39pp) cook for approx 25 mins on gas mark 6.  Delicious at 11pp per 1/8th of the pie, also very filling if you give your body 20mins to digest and tell your brain it’s full!
So it’s STOPTOBER in the UK which is the month where people sign up to stop smoking, how about in the Weight Watcher world we make it about any one of these things;
·         STOP beating yourself up when you’re not 100% on track!
·         STOP looking for a quick fix!  There isn’t one.
·         STOP giving up because you’ve had a bad week!
·         STOP with the excuses!
·         STOP eating food that tastes like cardboard because it says “low in fat” on the box!
·         STOP trying to lose it all in a week!
·         STOP setting expectations far too high, aiming to lose UP TO 2lb a week remember!  If it took you 20 years to put on, it’s not going away next week.
·         STOP sitting on your backside, get up move around!
·         STOP being hungry, you don’t have to be!
·         STOP ignoring the fact it’s hard!
·         STOP believing you can’t really do it!
·         STOP Waiting for everything to be “just right” before you start. Things are never going to be “just right.” Make the decision to lose weight and get to your meeting!
·         STOP being vague, you need to have clear and defined written goals. Just saying you want to lose weight isn’t enough. Be specific. Example: I am going to fit into a size 14 by December 25th.
·         STOP treating exercise like torture, find a way to move more that you’ll enjoy.
·         STOP thinking certain foods will make you slim, e.g. energy bars, they are packed with calories.
·         STOP doing the same things that other people do, find your own way of making the plan work for you.  Not everyone likes biryani for breakfast but it works for me!
·         STOP neglecting yourself, get some sleep, get some fresh air, find a way to ease your stress, spend time with friends.
·         STOP hanging out with negative people, they’ll bring you down.
·         STOP ignoring good advice – read your programme material.
·         STOP trying to change too much, too fast, slow and steady wins the race, not too slow that you never make progress though.
·         STOP thinking you know it all, I’m an expert in the plan and weight loss and I’m still learning each day!
·         STOP putting yourself last – Make your fitness, health, and fat loss a priority. One hour a day for YOU to attend your meeting and 30 minutes a day for YOU to get active in some way.  Every other aspect of your life will improve if you make give yourself this time.
·         STOP whining. Don’t have a pity party; hardly anyone comes and no one brings presents. Whatever body you have is a result of past choices and actions. That means YOU can change it – and whining about won’t help!
·         STOP quitting at your first weight loss plateau. Pauses happen, give your body a chance to catch up to what your mind is doing, remember we’re not machines.
I’m sure I could go on and on, but these will do for now?  So ask yourself which of these things are you doing?  And is there a mistake you could add, finish the sentence;
So who’s up for turning this month into STOPTOBER and losing some weight ready for SLIMMAS!
I think I’m all about the STOPPING today ;-) have a great Tuesday, time for me to get GOING now though!

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