Wednesday 24 October 2012

Have a great day gorgeous xx

24th October 2012
Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it. What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone. Miller Williams
Sometimes when I sit down to write my blog I have no idea what I’m going to talk about, other times there’s something fresh in my memory from the day before, something that’s happened or been said, then some days there’s lots of things and I don’t know where to start, today is the later, so I may spread it over a couple of days ;-) as I appreciate we’re all busy people.
Mom came to work with me yesterday, first time for a while, she’s in a lot of pain bless her and every morning she rises feeling nauseous, anyone who’s had morning sickness knows how dreadful that is, if you’ve had it for 6 years, it starts to get a little tiresome!   Lately she’s been sitting round until it goes off a bit and I leave her at home as I go to work, but yesterday she decided she may as well be at work with me feeling sick as on her own in the house.  It was lovely to see her interacting and laughing with my members and genuinely looking better in herself than she has for weeks.  Consider your options, if you’re in constant pain do you sit focussing on it, thinking about it all the time or do you distract yourself?  You would be best to distract yourself.  This made me think of our weight issues are you better to constantly think about dieting all the time and dwell on how much you have to lose, how long it’s going to take etc, or are you better distracting yourself from the enormity of it all!  Obviously you have to think about food and what to eat but it doesn’t have to take up every single waking second of your day!  Meal planning for the week is a good way of getting that problem sorted then you don’t have to think till it’s time to cook and eat.  Just something to mull over – do you think about it all just a little bit too much?
The other thing that I noticed on Monday and it happens a lot, because of my job, because of what I do for a living, people who are overweight and actively NOT trying to lose it seem to feel the need to explain themselves to me and justify their decision – I personally don’t care either way, it isn’t for me to live another persons life or tell them how to behave.  However I would like to cover the “fat & happy” conversation I had on Monday, a lady explained to me that she’s happy, her weight doesn’t bother her and she used to get obsessed with food when she was on a diet.  She then went on to tell me that she would have to lose some weight soon because bad knees run in her family! 
Okay so firstly let’s clear one thing up, being happy is a state of mind – it really has nothing to do with the size of your body.  Secondly, that means you don’t lose weight to be happy, there are lots of other reasons for that, health reasons being at the forefront!  How you treat your body today will have an affect on you health and well being in 20 years time.   Fat & happy, isn’t a reason to not lose weight!  And before anyone starts having a go, I know thin people can be extremely unhealthy, I don’t really think it’s about the size of your body it’s about the way you treat it and take care of it, I’d rather be bigger and eat good healthy food than skinny and living on junk.  I’m all about healthy eating and moving more regardless of what the numbers on the scales say.
Read this then think about how you feel after you’ve read it;
Weak, Disgusted, Hopeless, What’s wrong with me? What chance do I have?  Just stuffing it into my gob!! Someone give me a big kick up the bum! Last weeks big gain was really unexpected - I didn't want to tell folk how much - such shame.  I'm not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow - I don't feel any thinner. Been so good all week and gave in to the temptation of a jam doughnut the night before weigh-in.  A disappointing half off, yes I know it’s off but still disappointing not sure why it’s also the lightest I have been in months. Didn't post on Monday as so embarrassed was off track big time and gained 4.5!!  I'm just rubbish :( Absolute waste of time.  Weekend was a nightmare. Totally over my dailies and my weeklies but there was no stopping me!!!  I totally lost the plot yesterday and ate and drank anything and everything.  I just don't see how I couldn’t have lost :(
How’d you feel?  Just imagine having regular conversations like that with someone you love, a child or a best friend, every day once or twice at least saying something like, “you’re weak, I’m disgusted with you!” or “What chance have you got – you’re hopeless”.  Maybe you could say, “You only lost half a pound, that’s rubbish”, “What were you thinking eating a jam doughnut, what’s wrong with you, I’m disappointed”. 
You get my drift yet?  It’s not very encouraging is it?  Hopefully you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, yet so many of you say these things to yourself (all that paragraph is full of actual statements made by real people about themselves – the names have been removed to protect the innocent x).  So why do you say those things to yourself, if you’re not saying them out loud you may be thinking them which is equally as bad.  No one gets very far without love and support (that’s what makes Weight Watchers the success it is – group support).  New born babies die without love – did you know that?  The one thing to guarantee you more chance of success is a bit of self love!  That’s the whole basis of my website,, so if you’re guilty of any of that, how about STOP, stop judging yourself for what you weigh, for what you eat.  Hell if you want a jam doughnut the night before weigh-in that’s absolutely fine, they’re about 7pp and delicious, they don’t weigh that heavy in your tummy either – honest.
Start noticing the words you use when thinking about yourself, make them more positive you’re not weak or hopeless for having a day where you go over you’re ProPoints, you’re strong for being on a weight loss healthy eating plan to start with.  You’re not to be disgusted with yourself over what you eat, it’s not like you’ve slept with your 99 year old neighbour whilst your hubby was at work!  Losing the plot and overeating, gaining weight, it’s all part of life but it isn’t the end of the world and it isn’t the end of your weight loss efforts, it’s just another day at the office of the healthy eater.   
My personal experience and I can only talk about my experiences of course, although I do know others who have found the same, is that since I decided to be nicer to myself, forgive myself when I did overindulge and also to give myself permission to do just that and to eat whatever I wanted whenever has meant I don’t do it so much, I don’t need to because I can have chocolate whenever I want, it isn’t a no-no, I can have MacDonalds and not feel shame that I’ve just eaten my daily allowance in one meal, I can have cake for breakfast if I want to.  Do I do this everyday – nope, why not? Because I’m taking care of this body now so it takes care of me years down the line.
Have a great day gorgeous, go start it with a cup of self love x

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