Monday 10 September 2012

It may be dark outside but it's bright inside!

10th September 2012

Diet – Did I Eat That!

5am Monday morning and it’s pitch black outside, we might be having sunny days but the nights are definitely drawing in and we’re almost in the last quarter of the year.  Autumn is officially upon us, so it’s a fabulous time to turn over a new leaf if needed!

I’ve made it through the weekend, yes I’ve used every last ProPoint going, that includes all my weeklies gone and 34 activity ProPoints earned and used!  I clocked up another ten on my wineometer yesterday (sorry I mean pedometer), yes had a very productive day, cleaned kitchen, walked Alfie, gave house (every room except my office) a really good tidy and hoover etc!  Clearing the garden a bit too before having a nice long bath with my book before watching a bit of tele with mom.  At teatime Alfie took me on yet another walk which was a really long one, we were out for ages and I have to admit when I got back I was totally shattered.  I was in bed by 9.30, rock and roll me!

So four days down, three to go before my first weigh in, I haven’t been near a set of scales and I shall get my helpers to check the meeting set so that I don’t have to.  I always tell my members not to get on scales in-between weigh ins because they control your mind.  I’ve always believed I’m a bit immune to them, although not getting on them this week has for me took away some of the obsessiveness of weight loss, I’m only thinking about it at meal times and even then I’m not obsessing, I’m just thinking about what I fancy and ProPointing it.  I have managed to have everything I’ve fancied this weekend without compromise and still stayed within my allowance thanks to earning my activity ProPoints.  Moving more really does make a difference for me especially as its not structured exercise, its dog walking, housework and generally moving more throughout the day.

Yes I ate really well yesterday, started with some of my fruit from my new bowl, I do like conference pears when they’re really hard, I’ve got mango sliced ready for my breakfast this morning and my salad is all chopped and prepped too and ready for use.  For my lunch I had a platter of chorizo, cottage cheese, St Agur cheese, chopped salad, grapes, apple, krackerwheat biscuits, beetroot and couscous and believe it or not but that little lot came to 20pp and it looked so healthy, just goes to show doesn’t it!  It did however fill me up for a good long time, until about 8 I fancied something nice and had grated cheese on crumpets for 10pp, hence the reason I now have no spare ProPoints, from now to Thursday morning its 26pp a day plus anything I can earn on my pedometer of course.

After last week’s meetings, I did go away and do what we discussed so I’m really looking forward to this weeks and doing the same.  The changes I’m implementing aren’t radical, they’re not quick fixes, instead they are realistic, long term small changes that will benefit me without making me ‘change’ who I am and how I live. I love that I still get to eat all my favourite foods, my fridge is full of the stuff I would buy even if I wasn’t trying to lose weight, the only difference is I haven’t got any of the junk that in honesty I actually don’t particular like I just eat because it’s there when I’m off track.  We all like different foods I know but seriously I could overindulge of krackerwheat and St Agur, now that’s my thing, but because I feel like I want to be able to do that over Christmas guilt-free I’m happy not to do it now so I lose some weight.  The sunshine is really helping because it’s been lovely to go for a walk in the afternoon, although I will still walk when the sunshine’s gone because thankfully Alfie makes me!

Well on that note, I better get ready for the day ahead, load my car and walk Alfie.  I now have to add make mom a cup of tea and make sure she takes her tablets into my morning chores, she’s loving being waited on now!  Yesterday she sat in the living room telling me the bits I’d missed ;-) mmm that went down well as you can imagine.

Here’s to a fabulous week x

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