Friday 28 September 2012

I'm never gonna be perfect & I'm good with that x

28th September 2012

Failure is not my Destiny.    Eric M.

Beautiful sky going on out there this morning and I’m happy because I’ve managed a bit of a lie in 6.20am!  I ignored the clock at 4am and 5am and decided I was determined to snooze and I managed it, now I feel almost human again after not getting much of a weekend last week, being up at 4am on the Sunday and out all day really took it out of me and I’ve been tired all week. 

I was right the scales didn’t smile at me yesterday morning, I gained 1.5lb which means I’m now 1.5lb towards my stone by Christmas goal, 12.5lb left to lose, I’m good with that because I know I can do it, I expected the blip it was even written in my diary so no surprises. 

Yesterday I had a good tracking day, 30pp in total, I’ve started tracking on my phone because I have that with me all the time, then I will copy that across to my journal when I’m chilling out at night, I do like to have it written down in front of my, I like using paper and pen but can’t deny that having my phone in my pocket at all times is a great tool to use.

I told you yesterday about my member who had her ‘pep talk’ and lost well this is her tracker for last week.
I’m not suggesting you follow it; I just want you to notice she has made good use of her weekly allowance, she had her treats, and she’s enjoying the journey and still lost weight!  She's eaten Mars Planets chocolate at 20pp (from her weeklies), she's included lots of Filling & Healthy food choices and she's also cooked from scratch sometimes whilst also including ready made foods where necessary.  The beauty of the plan is it's versatility. 

This is not a deprivation diet, it’s a healthy weight loss programme, more people in the UK and around the world lose weight with Weight Watchers than any other weight loss organisation. Weight Watchers is the most successful weight-loss organisation in the UK! And I’m very proud to work for them because I believe in the system and their philosophy which is that long-term weight loss is within everyone’s reach and you can reach your weight loss goals.

I don’t always stick to the programme as you know but I’m enjoying my life, I make sure I enjoy my weight loss journey too, I support myself, I don’t beat myself up (yeah I have the odd moment but I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t) and I always accept my behaviour and move on, continuing to work on myself and learn.
The best move I ever made was admitting I adore eating and drinking and I wasn’t prepared to stop doing that to be slim!  Once I’d admitted that, I then started to work on ways to allow me to do that whilst losing/maintaining my weight.  I was amazed that I could enjoy the journey!
Food can be delicious and low in ProPoints, I think that was my biggest shocker, I can still enjoy a glass of red wine if I move a little more, and I am able to look in the mirror and say ‘looking good’ without having to be a size 8!
Today’s lunch is blue cheese chicken mmm, can’t wait, actually if I’m honest I’ve been looking forward to it since Monday when I decided that was going on my menu, here's the recipe very simple to cook; 
Blue cheese chicken Serves 4 6pp (total 22pp)
4 x 125g skinless chicken breasts
50g blue cheese crumbled
2 tbsp low fat mayo
4 slices wafer thin ham
1 tsp olive oil
salt & freshly ground pepper
Preheat the oven to gas mark 5/190C line a baking tray with non stick baking parchment.
Make slits along the length of each chicken breast to form deep pockets.  Place the blue cheese in a small bowl with the majo and seasoning, and mix together thoroughly.  Spoon equal amounts of the mixture into each chicken breast pocket.  Wrap a slice of wafer thin ham around each chicken breast and secure it with a cocktail stick. Place the wrapped chicken on a baking tray and brush with olive oil. Bake for 25 minutes. Leave the chicken to stand for 5 mins before slicing in half on the diagonal to serve.
 On that note I'm off to make mom a cuppa then walk Alfie, then I might start cooking lunch lol, is 10am too early for lunch!
Have a fantastic Friday xx





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