Friday 21 September 2012

Anyone for a 3pp beef curry!?

21st September 2012

If you are doing your best, you will not have time to worry about failure.- Robert Hillyer

Guess who woke up at 3.30am and couldn’t go back to sleep!   Thank goodness I haven’t got meetings today or I’d be shattered, at least I get to do my paperwork out of the way and I’ll just have an early night tonight to catch back up.  I can’t just lie there hoping to go back to sleep.

So I lost 1/2lb yesterday, mmm at first I was gutted because I was expecting a pound, then my helpers threw my line back at me, “it’s no only half pound, its half pound! Every ounce counts!”  Don’t you hate it when people are right ‘-) So I got over my drama and after a little bit of sulking I realised that in two weeks I’ve lost a grand total of 3lb so I’m on course for a stone by Christmas, w have 11 weeks of the “12 weeks to glow” challenge and then another two weigh ins before Christmas, so yes a stone for Christmas is a definite.  I felt great colouring in my 3 light bulbs on my challenge slip, can’t wait to colour the rest in and I don’t care how childish that makes me sound!  I wanna light up my backboard!

I’d been testing the meeting scales as an excuse to have a sneaky look at how I was doing in the week and this is why we shouldn’t get on the scales from one day to the next because they will drive you insane, I had lost 1.5lb on the Wednesday morning and then it when to 1/2 lb on the Thursday which is my weigh morning, so I have to go with that.  I shall go to my meeting talk on Saturday morning and get more support from my leader and fellow members and I will stay on track!

Mom came to the meeting yesterday morning which was great, that’s the first time she’s ventured out really since having her mini stroke, she’s also been taking Alfie for the odd walk so all looking good at the moment on that front.  A few more weeks and I can get her back to scrubbing floors and cleaning chimneys ;-)

I was glad of the meals I’d cooked on Sunday, they got me through yesterday, I took them out of the freezer the night before and had Chicken hotpot for lunch and Chicken casserole for tea.  What I will do over the next few weeks it assign a section of my website to these meals and recipes to save you having to search through the blog, but it won’t be this weekend as I’m out all day Sunday.  There are quite a few recipes on there already, they’ve just not been priced, but they are delicious.

Thanks to Emma for sharing a members recipe from the Play Weight Watchers site, worth a try ladies, especially as I found out last night Stewed Steak is in POUNDLAND (obviously for £1) , the dish works out at about £4 total. 

Onions (I’d use 2 or 3)
Peppers, red green or yellow (I’d use one probably)
Mushrooms (again I’d use 500g)
Spray oil
400g tin chopped tomatoes
410g tin princes stewed steak (12pp)
1 x Weight Watchers curry paste (available in meeting) (2pp)

As there is plenty, I’d actually split this between 5 portions for 3pp each (not 4 for 5pp) and serve with 60g rice, or I’d put the rice into the curry so it was like a biryani style dish which would hide the tomato flavour a little.

Fry onions and peppers for a few minutes until slightly softened, then add mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes.  Ad the tin of steak, tomatoes and curry paste and simmer for 10-15 minutes, serve and enjoy.

Fabulous first week of our 12 weeks to glow challenge, my members lost 499lb, WOW, that’s almost 36 stone (half a pound of that was mine!), it’s an average of just over a pound a week which means we’re losing weight the healthy enjoyable way.  Three of my lovely ladies got to their goal, well done, Catherine hit her 11 stone lost mark, and so many of you smiled at your results it was fabulous.  Let’s keep that momentum going, we’re heading towards the weekend but we can stay in control and on track.  Remember those portion sizes make a massive difference. Xx




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