Wednesday 8 August 2012

Road to Ragdale...

8th August 2012

In real life when times are hard, the answers aren’t at the back of the book! But you can still find them, they’re inside yourself. (Bev Longsden)
8 hours sleep, couldn’t done another hour I reckon ;0) hopefully I’ll either be fully of energy again by the end of the week or I can have a lie in on Friday. 

Another day in the bag, ended on 31pp and earned 8pp, on course for another weight loss this work if I can stay focused, feel like I’ll be able to though, I’m “in the zone” and it feels good.  17 days’ till Corfu weekend, and 60 days till the Weight Watcher conference, so any losses will be gratefully received and accepted, gains however will not be welcomed!

I’ve just had an email from the money saving expert and his money mantras are;

If you’re skint, ask – Do I need it? Can I afford it?
If you aren’t, ask  – Will I use it? Is it worth it?

We could use similar questions for our diet, by seeing ProPoints as currency and your allowance as your budget;

If you’re running out of ProPoints ask -Do I need it, can I afford it?
If you have plenty of ProProints to spare ask – Will I really enjoy it?  Is it worth it?

That way you use you’re allowance wisely and you feel satisfied with your choices, there’s nothing worse than wasting ProPoints because you’re in a rush or didn’t think about what you really wanted, I did that last night, I just wanted to go to bed, got in just before and was in bed by nine but had a 10pp pot noodle for speed and because I wanted rid of it out of my house, won’t buy any again!  However when I think of what I could have had for 10pp, oh dear so many things!

I don’t know if I’ve already mentioned but if I have, hey I write this blog at 5am, I forget stuff.  Anyways I decided last Wednesday morning that if I really wanted to lose some weight by conference and to change what isn’t working for me, I had to make some changes to what I was doing, one of those changes I decided would be my alcohol consumption because once again it has become a habit which isn’t helping my weight.  After some thought I decided that every day that I don’t have a drink I will add £4 to my “Road to Ragdale” savings fund, that’s how much on average I spend daily on wine because I don’t drink the cheap stuff, I can easily pay a tenner for a bottle.  I’ve not gone teetotal, this is just to encourage me to think twice on week nights, to spend my ProPoints on other things and to realise drinking wine on a daily basis is a habit.  I thought I’d struggle but I haven’t at all, the only time I’ve drunk since I made that decision last Wednesday morning was Friday night when me and my mate got together, I’m rather please I have to say and so far my fund has £20 in it, not bad only another £400 to go or 100 days, depending how you look at it ;) That means I could fit it in maybe before the end of the year or save it for my birthday in January, mmm likes that idea.

Back to reality and Wednesday 8th August, and Alfies just come running in as if to say, erm time for walking!  He proper wore me out yesterday, he wouldn’t walk on the morning because of the rain but then wanted to walk at lunchtime when it was boiling hot and I’d just got back from the tip with a load of rubbish, 90 minutes he had me out, I was wearing walking boots and my feet were falling off.  Hey ho, just kept thinking of the activity ProPoints.

Weeks going well, Weekly ProPoints left =  43pp activity ProPoints left = 27pp, that means Sunday at Drayton Manor Park should be a doddle, especially as we’re taking a packed lunch and no money!

Have a great day. xx

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