Monday 6 August 2012

Looking forward to getting on the scales today!

6th August 2012
Middle age is when you have a choice of two temptations and choose the one that will get you home earlier.

Well it may be Monday morning but I couldn’t slept a bit longer this morning I have to admit, I knew I should’ve gone to bed really early last night, but I waited till a ‘reasonable’ time!  Hey Ho, shall rectify that tonight.

Well I’m hoping for a weight loss this morning because I have stayed on track all week, I’ve used every ProPoint going I admit, I did laugh last night when I realised I’d still gone my pedometer on in bed, that’s cheating, you can’t earn extra for turning over in bed!  I did earn plenty though by walking the dog, managed one run this week and also doing housework.  Yesterday I was going to do another run but instead I cleaned my living room and hall, stairs & landing and did my ironing, finished the day with 5pp on my pedometer, not quite as many as I’d have earned doing a run but way more productive and now downstairs in my house is lovely and tidy.  Upstairs can wait till next week or maybe I’ll get a spurt of energy later today!

I may have already mentioned this, but hey I’m middle-aged I’ve started repeating myself ;-) I was chatting with my mate the other day about how I was struggling to stay on track, to do an entire week without tripping up or sabotaging myself and we chatted and she pointed out that lots of things had changed in my life over the last year and I was working them out.  In her words, “when lifes hard, weight loss is hard”.  How true is that statement, yet my life hasn’t dramatically changed since Wednesday when we had that conversation but what has changed are my thoughts.  I’ve acknowledged the changes, I’ve acknowledged that I’ve not got the control over my life I have had and I’ve accepted the challenge, this week has been much easier because of that.

I’ve also put in place changes to help me with that, I’ve tweaked a few things, I’ve looked at what was causing me to not make it to the end of the day and it’s working.  I’ve stopped being my biggest saboteur and started being my biggest supporter – I better lose weight today!

Still of course loving the Olympics, I didn’t watch the 100m last night, was too tired went to bed, just catching up on iplayer, I did however watch the women’s marathon which was brilliant especially as you would expect towards the end, weight loss is more a marathon than a sprint isn’t it!
I love a bit of self help personally, I don’t believe weight problems are only about food, there are so many different factors that come into the equation and I am constantly looking inside to try and work out what makes me tick, obviously not on a daily basis but when I do see my weight going up, I try to work out what is going on in my life that may be contributing towards that.  Sometimes it may just be that I’m enjoying life a little too much (if that’s possible) and having numerous good times.  I found an interesting read this week on this website

It’s an interesting read; I particularly like the Fact or Opinion section on page 33, which explains that at stressful times, we tend to be driven by our emotions and opinions, which create a vicious cycle by fuelling each other. Our emotions strengthen our opinions, which in turn, intensify our emotions.

This leads to impulsive acts and unhelpful longer term consequences, which help to maintain the overall problem.
It can therefore be helpful to ask ourselves whether what we’re thinking is FACT or OPINION.
- If it’s a fact, then we can make choices about what we can or cannot do.
-If it’s an opinion, then we can look at the facts – what we do know about the situation.

I shall take this on board for sure because I know that one of the situations that has influenced my eating/drinking habits over the past month has been the situation with my mom not being well, because I couldn’t control that situation and MAKE her better, I’ve used food/drink as a distraction, realising this, acknowledging the situation and then working on how best to deal with it, is much more productive than stressing myself out because I can’t find a way to make her feel better! 
There you go, something for you to think about today, what in your might be interfering with your weight loss efforts?   What can you do to change that or at least to understand it.

Ooo that’s a bit much to take in on a Monday morning isn’t it, maybe come back to it later in the week ;-)

Have a fabulous day, I plan too, when I wake up properly!

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