Saturday 11 August 2012

In da ZONE....

11th August 2012

The only difference between stumbling blocks and steppingstones is the way in which we use them. Unknown

Great first week you've lost 2lb...
You're aiming to lose up to 2lb a week...
Well done you've lost half...
Stayed the same this week...

These are things I say numerous times a week.

Is that all, I wanted more my first week!
I want to lose it quicker than that!
I've tried really hard!
I'm not impressed!
Only Half!

These are things I hear numerous times a week!

There's also THE LOOK, the one you give me when the scales don't say what you want them too. That look used to send shivers down my spine! I recognised it because I'd pulled it myself so many times when I was the member getting weighed.

And guess what even after being a leader for eight years, after all my training when I get weighed by another leader I still pull that face and use those words! Why because like anyone losing weight, I don't want logic and rationalisation I want weight loss, lots of it and I WANT IT NOW! ;-)

Are you nodding?

Yeah, yeah it’s a life change, we know that but can't we lose the weight NOW and continue making the changes later?!

Right back to reality - NO we can't, it don't work like that and we know it doesn't but it'll never stop us reverting to 8 year olds and stamping our feet and stropping off away from the sales saying things like;

Well that was a waste of time..
Don't know why I bothered to try so hard...
Wish I'd got drunk now and eaten that cake...
Her scales are broke, mine said I'd lost more than that...

And of course we'll have that look on our face then one that makes the leader think it's all her fault!

I was weighed by my boss last night and I have to say thankfully, although I did think ‘is that it?!’ I was chuffed when I realised it was a Friday night and I was bound to weigh more than I do on a Monday morning, so fingers crossed Monday morning should make me really smile, I just need to survive the weekend.  I’m going into it with plenty of ProPoints 38 of my weekly allowance left and 50 activity ProPoints earned – WOW!  I even went to bed last night have only consuming 26pp all day – how good is that!   It’s been a long time since I’ve looked forward to getting on the scales and also been convinced I can stay on track.

Today we’re off to Drayton Manor Park, my mates packed us a picnic, 12pp each, how fab is that, I’m hoping to get a lot of steps on my pedometer too, just got to start those steps by walking Alfie, he won’t be impressed when I leave the house at 9am and don’t return till tonight, but I will give him a second walk when I get back.

Mom’s in fine spirits this morning, so hopefully she won’t get too bored with me being out all day, I might actually give her a job of writing envelopes to keep her occupied ;-) she’s moan most likely but she’ll have the option of doing something other than those ‘copy the answers’ puzzle books I buy her! 

Have a Sensational Saturday, the forecast is good, although it’s a little overcast at the moment! 

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