Friday 24 August 2012

How cute is the Michelin Man!

24th August 2012
But it really does not matter what you are called, or where your work is placed, as long as it brings some kind of joy to some person some place.
- Charles Schulz
YAY, it’s Friday busy morning followed by a long Bank weekend of chilling and chatting in Corfu with my brother and friends, that’ll be fun.
Brains already in holiday mode, so paperwork will be difficult this morning, to be honest I’ve been in holiday mode all week which really hasn’t done my diet much good so I shall enjoy the weekend and reign it in again next week, good job I lost those few pounds at the start of the month isn’t it because the end of the month won’t be so pretty!
From looking at facebook news feed there were a lot of happy parents and gcse students out there yesterday, well done to all of you.  If yours didn’t do so well, don’t stress it, I left school without a qualification to my name, I just wanted a job and I had one in a shop lined up so I left.  I did ok, I own my own house (no mortgage) and apart from once when my father passed away (long story) I’ve always worked.  I did go back to studying in my mid 20’s to help me change direction and early 30’s to prove I could but leaving school without gsces didn’t hold me back at all.  Having said that I’m not suggesting anyone follows my example, I’m just saying they’re not the only way to success.
I’ve had a strange week, my heads been in a very thoughtful place and I’ve been counting my blessing, I’ve seen lots of things this week to make me do that, things I don’t need to share with you.  Life can be so very difficult for some people, sometimes it’s a continual difficult and sometimes it’s something that happens that just makes your whole world turn upside down.  No wonder people find it difficult to stick to their weight loss efforts! 
Plus everyone copes different to their problems and life, some are so stoic, some just get on with it and then some just love to moan about everything and anything - they’re usually the ones that actually haven’t got much wrong ;0)
Yes, this week so many things have made me see how lucky I am and how blessed my life is regardless of any problems I have.  It’s good to stop and look at your life sometimes and see how wonderful it is.
This week in meetings we’ve talked about clothes and how we put off buying them and that we keep our big clothes in case.  I also talked about sizes and trying on clothes and how frustrating that can be!  Not half I popped in Sainsbury’s last night and was going to treat myself to new pj’s for the weekend until I started trying on a couple of bottoms under my dress, well one pair clung to every lump and bump on my lefts I looked like the Michelin man, with like tyres sticking out at the top of my lefts, then I tried another pair and the size 14 were a bit tight round that leg area, but buried my waist area, so it’s official according to Sainsbury’s I’m deformed at bedtime no wonder I share my bed with a dog named Alfie ;-)
I shall go away with my old pj’s they fit and they’re a size 14 so I could be any size, my jeans are a 12, my dresses vary, it’s all a lot of ridiculousness isn’t it, I have one dress that’s an 8/10 and I can get it on but trust me this body is not a size 8/10 but at the same time I don’t think its over a 14 either - no wonder people don’t like shopping.
On that note, I’m off to get dressed in my new size 16 t-shirt that I bought last night!  Yeah Sainsbury’s again, I bet even skinny girls come out of there feeling deflated after clothes shopping.
Enjoy your weekend, I may speak to you before Tuesday, I may not, it depends how I feel xx  

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