Tuesday 17 July 2012

No fun getting old...

17th July 2012

Your best is always good enough, because it comes from you, and you are always good enough.
Nothing ever simple is it?  My moms a very poorly lady and I feel quite helpless at times because I want to make it better for her and I can’t.  I can however make it easier for her!   We spent two hours in A&E yesterday to find out it there wasn’t anything broken in her hip area, they think it’s the sciatic nerve and have referred her for physio tomorrow so lets hope that helps, the painkillers aren’t working so I shall call the doctor this morning for something stronger.  It’s getting her down because she feels so old and helpless and to make matters worse her memory is so bad she forgets things and gets angry and frustrated with herself.  Life isn’t fun is it as you get older when nature throws these things at you!

On a brighter note somehow I managed to lose a pound and a half, that’s the pound I gained last week and a bonus 1/2lb ;-) 1/2lb a week is my new goal so that I don’t have to make too many changes, I’d rather take longer and enjoy the journey!
I tried a new food yesterday ‘beluga lentils’ different, not horrible but not something I’d be searching for again especially as they were expensive and quite high in ProPoints. 

I’m going to have to get super organised to get everything done that needs doing, that’s probably a good thing as I won’t have the time to sit round at night eating, I’m going to have to start taking Alfie for his second walk and start doing the housework when I get in.  I’ve come to the conclusion moms the messy tramp because since she’s been immobile the house seems a little tidier ;0) it might actually be because I’ve realised I’ve got to tidy it up that’s helping too.
Referring back to my quote of the day, we often think our best isn’t good enough, but it’s always good enough, because it comes from you, and you are always good enough. You may not be able to deliver someone else’s idea of the best, but who cares! You only need to fulfill your own potential, and as long as you remain true to yourself, and always do your best in any given situation, you don’t need to expect anything more from yourself.  I’d like to be able to do more for my mom right now but it isn’t physically possible, so I’m doing my best to make her comfortable, to get her help and to keep her company.

It’s easy to get tangled up with the idea of trying to be the best—the best parent, the best employee, the best child, the best friend or the best dieter. Everybody can’t be the best, but we can all want aim improve, I read a quote of a Weight Watcher facebook page the other day that said, “every day I’m becoming a better me”, no you’re not you’re becoming “a different you”, better is one of those words that can be taken out of context, better implies you’re not too good now, well you are, you’re already perfect!

Letting go of the tendency to hold ourselves up to other people’s standards, and letting go of the belief that we need to compete and win, doesn’t mean we don’t believe in doing the best job we can. We always strive to do our best, because when we do we create a life free of regret, knowing we have performed to the best of our ability. This allows you to feel great personal satisfaction in all of your efforts, regardless of how others perceive the outcome.
So enjoy your day, be your best and sod the rest ;-)

Never forget how amazing you are x


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