Sunday 22 July 2012

Good morning Gorgeous!

22nd July 2012

If you really do put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price!
I got to do it, and I’m so glad, what?  I had a lie in this morning, no having to be up for a certain time to do something or be somewhere!  I did wake at my usual 5ish time but refused to move, Alfie tried to wake me and I told him to sod off, and in the end it was mom getting up just before 7 than woke me and I went to make her a drink.  A good eight hours had though which was what I needed, I’m feeling a little not with it this morning but that’s to be expected, I’m not rushing today, I have stuff I’ll be doing but none of it with gusto ;-)

I’m back on track too, had a delicious lunch yesterday, sirloin steak (7pp), new potatoes (4pp) and stir fry for 12pp (1pp for oil spray), I hadn’t had breakfast, I didn’t really need anything more than a cuppa after what I’d eaten the day before!  For tea I just had a chicken tikka sandwich for 7pp, and red wine with what was left of my allowance and the 5pp I’d earned on my pedometer.
We’ve just had cheesy crumpets for breakfast, mom had one and I had two for a total of 7pp = bargain ;-)

I weighed the cheese, 10g per crumpet, weighed my crumpets 2 for 5pp, and popped them under the grill, scrumptious.

Moving away from food for a moment, yes we can do it; we can be brave and not think about food for a little while ;) I’m always amazed at how people see themselves, how its usually so much different to what others see, I know this lady who I’ve only actually met once, but have talked to often via facebook and she’s gorgeous, seriously attractive, you know the kind you meet them and instantly think “WOW”, the type who’s not only visually beautiful but funny, sharp, on the ball, holds attention and has just the right amount of sarcasm to not be insulting.  Yet at the moment all she’s acknowledging are the scales and a number on them, she’s letting them define her mood and tell her how she looks, she’s letting that number on the scales take away from all the other amazing qualities she has, instead of using all those other qualities to help her kick those scales into touch. 

Yep, we need to learn to use our strengths to help us conquer our weaknesses, so an easy example would be I love eating and I love delicious food, back to food again, I knew it wouldn’t be long, so my weakness would be overindulgence in the tasty food, my strength is I love to learn, so I’ve learned to cook my own delicious foods that are lower in ProPoints which means I can eat more of it!  The money I save cooking my own meals because it does work out cheaper in the long run, plus you eat less food trying to not gain weight, gets spent on fine wine, another weakness!  Yes I’ve realised if I buy a decent red wine I drink it slower and drink less!
So what are your strengths, how can they help you overcome your weaknesses, when you look in the mirror do you not see the YOU everyone else sees.  One of the best things I’ve learned over the last few years is to listen to compliments, take them on board, believe them, believe people when they say something positive and lovely about you and remember those words.  Either everyone out there is a liar, or I am actually a lovely person most of the time!  Why would they lie?  Ask yourself that, why would you have lots of friends if no one liked you and you were as dreadful as you think you are!  If your weight defined you as a person, why aren’t your best mates saying good bye I’m off you’ve gained a stone, you’ve changed?

Doesn’t that sound silly when you read it ;-)
So today instead of beating yourself up when you look in the mirror, smile and say, “still gorgeous, so what we gonna do to lose this weight that’s crept on, how can we do it?”

Then get proactive and be positive, you can do this and it’ll be so much easier if you like yourself to start with. X
I’m off to give my beautiful self a nice relaxing bath, lots of bubbles.  Whatever you’ve planned for today, enjoy it. x

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