Friday 13 July 2012

Anyone want a drink - water that is?

13th July 2012

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.  Marcel Proust

Friday the 13th today, my mom got run over on Friday the 13th and was in hospital for a long time when I was little, she’s not very well today either, something clicked in her bum / hip area yesterday and she can barely walk.  Bless her she keeps saying “I was only cleaning my teeth and something went click” what she forgets is her hips been hurting for almost two weeks since she decided to chop a tree up the garden down by herself!   She just doesn’t realise she can’t do the things she used to, she’s a lot stubborn and I love her for it, but right now she’s not well because of it. 

We all change as we get older and some of us are glad of some changes and not so much of others ;-) I’m a far nicer person at 42 than I ever was at 22, I like that change, but I’m not as energetic as I was at 22 that’s for sure!
Anyway it’s been quite a week for one reason or another and yesterday for the first time in a very long time I comfort ate with flair.  Don’t get me wrong I still often eat for the sake of it or because I fancy it but I haven’t comfort eaten with that “RIGHT, I need to feed”, mentality for a good while, but yesterday it involved a galaxy bar (luckily a small one) and fish and chips from the chippy, the biggest fish I’ve ever seen in my life (think it was a mini shark) and I was restrained with the portion size of the chips so not the end of the world.  They were delicious and by the time I ate them I was calmer and over my emotional rant but the galaxy well that had gone in seconds and I only remember the last chunk I ate.

So why did I behave in this ridiculous way, well it seems silly now but because I’d received an email to tell me that we can no longer serve tea and coffee in our meetings because of health and safety reasons!  Well it just screamed the worlds gone mad to me and without going into detail I was just miffed, I spoke to my area meeting but she’s in the same position as me, just doing what she’s told. 
This morning I’ve tried to turn it into a positive in my own mind because I know I drink too much caffeine, I’d actually been reading up of hormones and what to eat / drink to help balance it all out and one thing it said was cut down on caffeine, so I suppose if I take a bottle of water with me to work instead it’ll help my hormones!  Can you tell I’m not smiling or convinced by my typed word?

Anyway moving on, I’m in Crewe today for a meeting with the regional manager, she’s invited a leader from each area to discuss how we feel about our roles since being made employed that’ll be interesting.  I suppose if my only gripe is no tea/coffee, then I’m actually quite lucky lol.
It’s a buffet lunch oops!  I’ve made a unanimous decision that I’m not on a diet today, I wasn’t on one yesterday and I haven’t been great all week, so I’m going to enjoy my buffet lunch today, I won’t go mad just won’t ProPoint stuff, then tomorrow I’m back on it with a passion – I promise.

I had a lovely phone call that made me smile yesterday from a fellow leader friend from Cambridge, she’d been chatting to one of her members who’d said, “found a fab blog a really inspirational lady who seems to have given me a boost” and apparently she was talking about me ;-)  That really cheered me up yesterday when I was having a coffee breakdown.  I write my blog every morning, sometimes no idea what to write, other times thinking to myself does anyone actually read my drivel.  Who really cares that a hormonally imbalanced woman ate fish and chips yesterday!  To be told something in my blog had given at least one lady a boost is wonderful.  I actually started writing it to help me so to think it’s helping someone else is fabulous.
Yes Saturday back on it I shall be, I’m going to find a way to incorporate the foods that I’ve googled and found to help with hormone imbalance, I will let you know what they are and how I’m going to do that in another blog and I dare say if you read regularly you’ll know this time next month if they make any diference ;-)

Anyways I’ve gotta get on, need to walk Alfie, do paperwork and drive to Crewe by 10.30!
Woo hoo it’s Friday ;-) have a fab day. xx


  1. Does antone ever read your blog? It's the first thing I go to everyday when I switch my computer on each day. Only been weight watching for two and a half weeks but in that time have found it inspirational and highly entertaining!!! Please keep going.

  2. I read your blog every single morning when i get into work and i find its a great motivator to keep me on track and to get new ideas. Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration to many! x
