Tuesday 5 June 2012

Winning the War!

5th June 2012

You'll seldom experience regret for anything that you've done. It is what you haven't done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it!

“How long does getting thin take?”  That’s written on the coaster on my desk, it’s next to one that says, “Never eat a hole” ;-)  

The answer to the first question in my opinion is it takes as long as it takes, then it continues for the rest of your life because being healthy and well takes effort and time.  That’s a bit like housework too, which I’m continually trying to get on top of and never seem to win.  Daily chores and weight loss alike can consume your every waking moment if you let them or it can be part of your life and become habitual.  I’m working my way through all the stuff that was in my office before I went away because I want my newly redecorated office to be less full of junk and I found lots of bit of note books and diaries that will go in a storage box somewhere and in one I have wrote, “That’s why I’m happy now because I no longer strive to get to goal, I enjoy the day to day battle I have with food, some days I win, some days I lose, but I enjoy both kinds of days which means I’m winning the war.”

All sounds a bit heavy doesn’t it, but really is it, no I don’t think so, if like me you love to indulge in the good stuff, it is a battle to constantly make wise food choices, I love to eat cheese and biscuits so not buying them feels like a mini war in the supermarket each week.  I love to enjoy a glass of lager so resisting the buy two packs for £20 offers is quite a battle with my financial logical brain that tells me they are a bargain, my healthy fit side of my brain says, they may be a bargain but if you ain’t got them you can’t drink them and that saves you both kinds of pounds - money lost and weight gained!

So to stop my housework and my diet taking over my life over the next few weeks my plan is to take the eating day by day, shop only for what I need because I am super skint, we had such a lovely break in Wales that we’ve booked to go again for Christmas, which means I’ve paid the deposit with my food money for the month, pay day not till end of June, I’m thinking if I can’t afford to eat, I’ll lose weight ;0)  As for the housework, it’s so time consuming and dull, so I’m going to do 15 minute spurts, do 15 minutes then do something else and keep doing that until it’s all sorted and my house has less junk in it.  How much stuff does one person need, on the bright side I’ve traded in 3 boxes of books to Amazon which has made me some money, it’ll be Amazon gift cards though, so can’t buy food when they arrive.  But I’ll find a use for them for sure.

Finally feel like I’m fully back in reality, that holiday was so relaxing and I was so chilled out it’s took me since Saturday to get there.  Today’s weigh day, I’m going to start a new week in my journal as I finished mid week and stopped tracking when we went away so fresh week tracking from today, I know I’ll get a gain, I’m guessing 3-4lbs, I don’t do things lightly that’s for sure, but I’ll take it on the chin, smile and get going again, I know in a few days I’ll be tracking effortlessly again and enjoying the way I feel.  I know I didn’t enjoy the constant heartburn I had on holiday which was caused mainly from various types of dairy food, i.e. butter! And also just from general eating more than my body actually needed.

So goal by August 17th is the plan, just over two months to lose a stone.  I can do that.  Have you got a plan or a goal, are you enjoying the journey – I am. 

I’ve surrounded myself with framed photos of family, friends and my dogs in my newly decorated office, they make me smile when I look at them and remind me life is fabulous and that’s what really matters and what brings the most joy, not a slice of bread and butter!

Right, first day back at work, I better get moving, got a dog to walk!  See you later if it’s your weigh day, lets face the bank holiday results together. xx

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