Thursday 24 May 2012

Hey good looking, what you got cooking?

24th May 2012
It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently. Anthony Robbins
You’re AMAZING! Did you know that?
Yes YOU ARE GORGEOUS, absolutely stunning.
I’ve never met anyone quite like you!
Do you believe me?  Do you realise I’m talking to you, or did you assume it was aimed at someone else.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such awesome people day in, day out and it never ceases to amaze me that they don’t see the beauty in themselves that I see.   So please go look in the mirror and see what I see because you are just fabulous.  Life really is too short to be unhappy with yourself, learn to love the skin you’re in right now.  That way your body and mind will be more likely to help you get to where you’d like to be physically and emotionally because they are both intrinsically linked, if you feel miserable about your image and berate yourself then you’re highly unlikely to take care of yourself with the food you choose to put into your body. 
Yes I am trying to get back to my goal at the moment because I’ve been enjoying life a little too much of late but I’m not giving myself a hard time about it and I still look in the mirror and love the girl staring back at me even if she is an inch bigger round her waist, hips and thighs than she is when she’s at goal, all it means is there’s 3 inches and 9lb more of me to love at the moment.  Luckily it’s a healthy 9lb because I’ve got active so I can now run for 3-5 mile where as in the past before Weight Watchers when I’ve lost weight, I wouldn’t have the energy to walk to the end of the street because I’d be living on lettuce leaves and ryvita to get results.
If I had to make a choice I’d rather be a happy healthy fit size 12/14 who enjoys a night out and partaking of the odd pint, than a unhappy, hungry, lazy size ten which I was before, back then I didn’t think I needed to exercise as I was thin already!  In the past I wouldn’t eat a fresh cream cake because I feared it making me fat, now I may have one on occasion because they’re scrumptious and it would make me smile but I wouldn’t want to eat one everyday because I know it wouldn’t be good for my health. 
If you’ve been in my meetings this week you know we’ve talked about not being a diet dinosaur and living on ‘diet’ food, with the belief that you will lose weight so that at some time in the future you can eat normally again, because that mentality will lea to you gaining it all back.  NO, instead eat sensibly, still include the foods you love and lose weight at a sensible pace.  We’ve been thinking about our top ten food/drink and working out how we can include them in our week, my top three so far are fried eggs, red wine, lager!  I keep getting stuck at lager cos I just want to drink lots of that whilst the suns shining, but I won’t because I know partaking of too much of it, too often isn’t good for my health let alone my waistband.
Everything in moderation is the answer - except for the self-love you can never have too much of that ;-)
Ooo number 4 has to be blue cheese – Saint Agur to be precise, mmm.
Number five mmm that’s my mates home made chips, but they have to be with bread and butter and ketchup.
Now I need to think about the other 5 things on that list, I just love food/drink, how do you choose just 10 favourites, I think it may be impossible; it would change on a daily basis!
Ooo Pizza, number six possibly.
So who’s up for being a Happy Owl (Over Weight Lady/Lad) go and sign the pledge to adore yourself regardless! 
It’s much easier to lose weight if you feel great about being you, and you’re looking forward to your next meal – honest!
Well I’m off for a walk to wake me up properly, no better way to start the day. xx

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