Tuesday 15 May 2012

Give yourself a bit of love x

15th May 2012

“Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” Sri Chinmoy
Recognise these words, have you ever said them “I really want to lose weight but it’s so difficult” – are you nodding your head right now?

Yep it sure is difficult and anyone who says it isn’t is either new to the game or really has a different mindset to the majority of people.
Sometimes when you’re lucky, you just get in the mindset where it all clicks into place and you’re on a roll, the weights coming off week by week, you’re enjoying your new and different interest in healthy eating and you find ways of eating out and socialising that doesn’t stop you losing weight.

Other times you feel like every social occasion is a battle, in what you feel is a never-ending war! 
Monday to Thursday you manage, you stay on track and you earn some activity ProPoints then BAM it’s here, it arrived sooner than you were expecting and knocked you off your feet with a sucker punch, yes it’s Friday and you have plans.  You really want to have a good time and at the moment for you that seems to involve food and/or alcohol.

See I know, I’ve been there, sooooooooooo many times, I love eating, I love living, I love socialising and I find losing weight at times the hardest thing in the world and other times the easiest.
These days, I ride the storm so to speak, if I do find myself struggling, I just keep my head down and do my best whilst getting support from my members and friends.  When I’m finding it easy, I enjoy the ride.

I used to think it was more difficult when I was younger, because then you really want to party and that usually involves alcohol followed by curry!  Well it used to anyway, but as you get older you’ve actually got more money so you can afford more!  Nightmare ;)
So are we all doomed to fail?

No, I’ve managed to keep my weight under control for coming up to 8 years now, yes I fluctuate some but I’ve always stayed a good 2 stone away from my heaviest weight, and I have a tip over point that if I get to it, I suddenly find myself IN THE ZONE!
HOW? Well that’s what you find out in a meeting, that’s why Weight Watchers works, because we share our ideas, thoughts, feelings and experiences and we all learn from each other.

The one tip I would share with you here though is the one constant you always need and that's a whole lot of self-love.  Don’t beat yourself up for struggling, don’t call yourself names for not looking the way you wish you did.  Instead give yourself lots of positive thoughts and treat yourself well.  Find ways to take care of you that doesn’t involve cake!
Have a good day, remember you’re worth all this effort because you’re the most important person on this planet. xx

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