Friday 9 March 2012

Take a look in the mirror!

9th March 2012
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
I’m so looking forward to my weekend, because I’m going to meet new friends, 7 of them to be precise.  I’m off to Center Parcs with 7 Weight Watcher leaders that I’ve found via facebook, how great is that.  Weight Watchers not only helped me lose weight be it has also helped me find some amazing friends over the last 8 years and I’m about to make another 7.  I know we’re all going to get on because they’re bringing food and wine – what else does a good friendship need!
Someone asked me if I was worried we wouldn’t get on, “nah, of course I’m not”, was my reply, I haven’t even contemplated that we might not get one if I’m honest because I believe that others are merely mirrors of yourself.  You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.  And I stopped hating myself a long time ago!
The first time you meet someone, in the first moment you form an impression in your mind of that person.  Did you know that you decide within the first four minutes what you like and don’t like, and these decisions are based on details that your senses tell you, such as the person’s eye colour or smell, or even a past experience that’s stored in your memory that you associate with that person.
Your reactions to other people say more about you than they do about others, because they are really just barometers on how you perceive yourself.  We are usually drawn to those who are most like us and tend to dislike those who display those aspects of ourselves we dislike.  I try to bare this in mind these days if someone is annoying me, I try to work out why because everything that irritates us about someone else can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.  It’s not easy but it really is worth the effort of trying to work it all out.
But first I have to finish off my working week, I managed to get away with a half pound weight gain this week which I was thrilled with because after Rome I expected worse.  I shall start tracking on Tuesday and get off any weight I’ve gained over the last three weeks, it’ll be worth it because I’ve had so much fun and I know this weekend is going to be equally as good.
Whatever you have planned this weekend remember the effect it has on your weight is your choice, you can choose to stay on track and still enjoy your weekend or if you have something special planned you can choose to be a little less strict like I plan to as long as you realise it may delay you getting to goal by a week.
Enjoy your Friday, it’s almost the weekend xx

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