Tuesday 27 March 2012

A change is as good as as rest.

Tuesday 27th March 2012

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution. David Joseph Schwartz

Didn’t want to get out of bed again this morning which is so not like me, the clocks changing really does get in the way of my sleep pattern!  I still managed a 5k run yesterday though so I must have woken up eventually!

I’m even struggling with something to write which isn’t like me!  

Okay then, who had a fabulous weekend fun wise, but not so good dietwise, decided to get back on track yesterday and failed!?  If that was you, however about today we break the habit of starting on a Monday and start on a Tuesday instead. 

Life has a way of getting in the way of our plans but life isn't going to stop getting in the way and that's why you must take the bull by the horns and go for it like you mean it.

There’s always something to stop you isn’t there.  So whether its your diet or something else, you may be thinking or saying you want to do something differently, you may think
about it, and talk about it, yet when it comes time to actually doing it, what happens? You stop yourself. This is a bad time, Monday would be better, tomorrow is the party, my sister's wedding is coming up.  It's always something, isn't it?

Starting today, let’s do some simple things different to show ourselves it doesn’t have to continue to be uncomfortable to make changes, repetition makes things become habit and that’s how we make permanent changes.  See what happens if you make an effort to drive a different route to or from work. Use a different toilet at work – this one always makes me feel odd, I always go for the same toilet – odd I know but I bet you do too! Walk a different path when you have lunch. You'll notice it's uncomfortable. It won't feel quite right. That's because you typically move throughout your day the same way, day after day.

Make an effort to switch things up. Have a different breakfast, or a different lunch.  Any small change you can make, today only, just see what happens when you make a teensy change.

What most people find is it throws them off balance for a moment.  Just the mere idea of walking a different path: First hesitation, "Should I? Oh, this is stupid. I don't think this will help. I'm skipping this." Ah ha! That's the point, right there.

If we hesitate to even try a simple suggestion (such as taking a different path or looking a different way or holding the phone to the other ear) then it's easy to see why changing our entire lifestyle or eating habits can be just a tad bit difficult.

I suggest you check in with yourself today and see just how much you resist change. Some people love change, they constantly rearrange the furniture in their houses, and others never move a chair once it's placed. Which are you?   Think about how much you react when I move my meeting rooms around – it always makes me smile!

I noticed when I run I’ve got into a pattern of going the same direction, so yesterday I made a different turning and went another way, it was good to have a different view on the few occasions I looked up. 

Find something where you can switch it up, and see what happens or if you notice anything interesting. If you do I'd love to hear your feedback.

Right I’m off to get ready for work, let’s have a tremendous on track Tuesday!

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