Monday 27 February 2012

Never too old to try new things ;)

27th February 2012
It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Mohammed Ali

What a fantastic weekend, 6 ladies, one apartment (one bathroom!) and lots and lots of giggling ;-)  We went to see ‘We Will Rock You’ which is a fabulous show, there aren’t many shows I’d want to sit through twice, but I have this one.  One the evening we went to a burlesque show at Volupte, London, we’d decided to dress for the occasion although most of them hadn’t and what a laugh that was – corsets, tutu’s, stilettos and fishnets.  Can I just say it is not the comfiest of clothing and by 11pm I felt like I had a cracked rib, it was actually a painful experience, which ended in me removing corset and sitting in mates leather jacket.  But we had the best time and the show was fabulous, I wasn’t sure beforehand what we were going to see but it was funny, entertaining and just a tad risqué.

If you can watch videos, here’s a one minute snippet, there are swearwords so if you’re easily offended maybe don’t click the link!/photo.php?v=10150679497910862

After this weekend I’ve realised that not many, if anybody is 100% confident with themselves and if they say they are then I take my hat off to them although I'm not quite sure if I believe them.

I'm very comfortable in my own skin and happy with who I am, I love my life and I’m not sure even if I had the change that I’d change anything about it but I still have my moments where my confidence has a wobble, like the weekend cringing at a photo of myself even when everyone's telling me I look good. I'd happily walk round half naked in the room with 5 others whilst getting dressed no problem at all but once clothed and made up I felt different more conscious about my face and how it looked being made up than my body being covered in fishnets and corsets (how mad is that, I've never felt comfortable in makeup). And listening to the girls get ready and all of us chatting the next day, just shows that even the most gorgeous 20 something doesn’t realise how amazingly beautiful she is, we all need to remember we are gorgeous and that that gorgeousness isn’t just about our size, shape or look, really beauty comes from within, it’s about your very essence, your smile, your personality and your scrumptiousness! Me and Lynne decided after discussing it in depth for all of 5 minutes that we just don't like posed photographs, I prefer it when someone just catches me unawears because my smile always looks fake when I pose so then I don't like the photo. 
(this was the only one where my smile was real)

The ladies at the burlesque show were very comfortable in their own skin, they had no issues with removing their clothing and they were gorgeous but just like you and me they had cellulite and weren’t the stereotypical perfect body but boy did they look awesome.

Yep I guess we all have our insecurities and they might be there all the time or you may have learnt to tame them and they just show up occasionally, all you can do is work on telling yourself how fabulous you are and take care of yourself because the more you take care of yourself, the better you feel and the more fabulous you will realise you are.

Easy – NO!  Worth it – HELL YES! 

As you get older, having ‘first experiences’ gets more difficult, but for me this weekend was full of them, it was the first time I’d done dress up (fancy dress styly), first time I’d worn a corset or fishnets, first time I’d had false eye lashes stuck on me (although they were removed instantly – I couldn’t wear them they’d drive me mad!) and it was the first time I’d sat in a club with a leather jacket on and NOTHING underneath.  Fabulous weekend, I recommend trying to include new experiences to everyone, they may not be comfortable (either physically or emotionally) but they are SO WORTH IT!  Just like you are. Xx

Yay It’s Monday, we get to do a week all over again, how lucky are we? 

Enjoy your day. xx

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