Friday 24 February 2012

It's all good ;-)

24th February 2012

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. James Dean

I’ve got to say, pitch black outside and black in my bank account, pay day for me today and I’m smiling until the credit card man takes his cut next week, my bank account looks quite healthy this morning. 
I’m very much looking to my weekend, and because I won’t be drinking I’m not remotely worried about staying on track, it should be pretty easy. 

After a query on facebook last night about ProPoints, I’d just like to remind you that if something looks or sounds too good to be true, it usually is.  So if you’re not sure always ask, that’s what I’m here for.   And if you’re sat at home reading the blog, looking on our facebook page but not attending a meeting, remember you’re missing out on the part of the plan that truly matters.  Weight Watchers works because of the group support – you don’t have to take my word for it, ask my members who lost 564lb this week and have lost 373 STONE so far this year, 2 more of which achieved their goal yesterday making that 16 so far this year to add to the 135 from last year.  Yep Weight Watchers works because of the group support and I love it.
In the meeting this week we’ve talked about blocks, it was interesting and if you recall the rules of life I blogged about earlier in the week, rule number 3 was “there are no mistakes, only lessons”.  With weight loss especially, we all know it isn’t a particularly easy journey and different times in our lives bring with them different challenges.  A lot of members feel great disappointment and anger when their plans don’t give the results they hoped for and the first reaction for most is to feel that they have failed.  And whilst it is easy to jump to this depressing conclusion, it will impede your ability to progress with your weight loss journey.

Wouldn’t it be more useful to decide that rather than view your slip up as a failure you can view it as an opportunity to learn.  Every time you don’t live up to your own expectations is an opportunity to learn something important about your own thoughts and behaviours.  This thought pattern can be used for other things besides your weight loss, notice the next time you feel ‘wronged’ by another person, use it as a chance to learn something about your reaction.  Whether it’s your own wrongdoing or someone else’s, a mistake is simply an opportunity to evolve further along your path.
Just think for a second how much different you would feel emotionally if instead of seeing the disappointments, hurts, losses, illnesses, tragedies in your life as hardships you decided to shift your perception and see them as opportunities to learn and grow.  It would make you feel empowered, you would be taking charge of your life and rising to those challenges instead of feeling defeated, victimised or cast adrift.  I heard a wonderful story yesterday from a member about her sisters positivity, the lady told me how her sister has had cancer three times now, and three times she’s had to have something removed, mastectomy etc.  The lady told me how her sister and her husband were at the bank filling in insurance forms and she asked the bank manager, “When he dies do I have to spend this insurance on his funeral”, the manager a little taken aback replied, “erm, no I suppose you don’t, we give you the money and you do with it what you think best”, she then exclaimed, “Excellent, I’ll take you to the crem in a cardboard box in the back of your van, and I’m off on holiday”.  The bank manager a little shocked stated, “you seem quite certain, you’re going to outlive your husband” and her fabulous reply was, “Oh yes I am, god’s taking me a bit at a time so it’s going to take a while, he’ll take him all at once”.  You’ve got to love that positive spirit and the fact that three different trips to the hospital with cancer has left her fighting not crying.   And luckily her husband has an excellent sense of humour!

So let’s make today, positive Friday, heck why not stretch it to the whole of the weekend, and for as long as you can keep it going. 

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