Wednesday 1 February 2012

Firm your mind, and your legs, bum and tum will follow!

1stFebruary 2012

YAY it’s the first of February and you get an extra day this year with it being a leap year, that’s an extra day to help you lose weight before summer!

Yesterday I briefly mentioned affirmations so I thought I’d cover them a little, so what are they?
Positive affirmations are things we say to ourselves that build us up and make us strong. They empower us to take chances and to be our best. Thoughts run through our mind thousands of times a day and are often negative. Making positive affirmations a daily practice gives you a powerful tool to strengthen your inner foundation and follow your bliss.

1. You have to get over feeling stupid! Doing something new takes practice and because it is unfamiliar it might feel funny at first. Get over it. So often, it doesn't feel funny to talk negatively to ourselves, but praise feels awkward. Just do it and don't worry if it feels funny. In time, you will feel less and less awkward.

2.Begin your affirmation with "I."
The more you personalize what you say the more it will hit home and stick.

3.Put your affirmation in the present tense.
Keeping the statement in the present will give it more power. Avoid can, will, could orshould in your statements.

4.Make it short and sweet.
Make the affirmation meaningful to you. If affirmations are too long, you may find it cumbersome or difficult to say on a regular basis. Longer affirmations work well during meditative moments.

Teaching our inner voice to speak well to us takes some practice. For most people it is an under developed muscle. Practice and your affirming voice will become stronger.

6.Clear vision.
Hold a clear vision of what is possible foryou in your life. Picture yourself absorbing the positive affirmations as they become a part of you.

7.Write it down.
Writing down the positive affirmations helps your mind remember the new statements.

8.Repeat them often.
Repetition facilitates learning. The more often you say positive affirmations the more they become a part of you.

9.Make them fun.
Enjoy yourself with them. Laugh and hold out a sense of lightness.

10.Remember to be gentle.
Ø I am slimmer, I am healthier, therefore I am happier!
Ø I'm getting slimmer every day
Ø I have the ability to achieve my goal
Ø I choose to eat healthily
Ø My goal is achieved by me one step at a time.
I am full of energy from eating a balanced diet.
Before you poo paa the idea, think about it, more often than not, the way we talk to ourselves really holds us back. How many times have you said to yourself, 'I wish I could do that', then without even trying, you write off that very thing as an impossible dream?
It's true that we Brits are very good at moaning. We complain about the weather, the traffic, feeling fat, food and the lack of it. But this conscious stream of negative thinking damages us in more ways than we realise. Pretty quickly, those uninspiring thoughts start to reflect on all parts of our lives. We always expect the worst.

Instead of reminding ourselves how brilliant, vibrant and talented we are, we're more likely to tell ourselves that we're useless, unattractive and undeserving. This is not good news for your self-confidence.

Don’t agree? Take a look at your life! Seeing any similarities to the above, maybe try the affirmations – what have you got to lose, they don’t cost anything. I really believe they have worked for me in the past.

Still not convinced, then today, start by listening to the way you talk to yourself and make an effort to correct the language you're using. For example, instead of saying 'I hate the way I look, I wish I could lose weight', say 'I can't wait to be fitter and in better shape'. By putting a positive spin on your thoughts you'll start to feel happier, more confident, and you'll see results.
When you look in the mirror, find things you like about yourself, instead of staring hatefully at your saggy tummy or cellulite-ridden thighs. Or congratulate yourself for eating healthily today.

Make an effort to smile more. Smile at other people and, when you catch your own reflection, smile at that too. It feels weird at first, but it really will make you feel happier.
There's no point 'hoping' you can change your body - you have to be positive that you will. None of our nation's top athletes or footballers begin each race or match simply 'hoping' to win. They win by being 100 per cent focused on their goals. If you want to change the way you look and feel about yourself you need to start thinking like a winner too.

Now repeat after me...
I am going to get into shape and eat more healthy foods because I want to, not because anyone else thinks I should.

I will start to think positively because, without sound emotional fitness, I can never be truly fit. Firm your mind, and your legs, bum and tum will follow!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bev, this really made me think, and reflect on my own inner voice. My husband always says that I am my own worse enemy and I should think more positively. Well this blog has guided me through my first few steps to thinking positively about myself.
