Monday 5 December 2011

You deserve the best!

5th December 2011

You've got to be the best person you can be in your life. Jeff Gordon

Countdown to Christmas tip - Don't go to a party hungry.

You know not to go to the supermarket on an empty stomach - the same logic applies when you're heading to a buffet party, as it can be difficult to make the decisions you want to when you're hungry. Take the edge off before you go with some non creamy soup, a banana, or some low fat yogurt so that you're not starving and tempted to storm the buffet table upon arrival.

Well I did something I never do this morning, I went back to sleep after my alarm went off I reset it for an hour later.  Luckily I’m ahead of schedule with my meeting plan this morning so I don’t need to do that, Alfie will have to be walked a little bit less than usual and I’ll have to type this blog fast!

I’ve totally relaxed this weekend and recharged my batteries, can’t believe it’s only been a week since my holiday, seems for ever away already, I’m so glad I’m feeling much better though couldn’t have handled another week feeling how I did last week. 

I feel I may even get a weight loss this morning, fingers crossed and light clothing should help :)  We will see if a combination of ProPoints and F&H days worked, and if it didn’t, it’s because I went over on my weeklies by quite a few!

How was your week, did you enjoy your weekend, any Christmas parties or shopping, did you manage to stay on track.  This week in meetings we’re looking at the Saboteurs you have, especially around this time of year, I think I’m my own worst enemy, although I’m much better than I was and looking at my weigh card, I’m ending the year within 5lb of where I started and I’ve more or less fluctuated 5lb above and below the weight I am today all year long, which shows I’ve learned to maintain.  It may not be the weight the charts say I should be but it’s not far off!  And it’s a weight I’m comfortable at.

My coughs getting better so I’m hoping to get back to my running today, I can’t say I missed it last week because I felt like death and didn’t miss anything but I am looking forward to getting back to it as I enjoy it and it makes me feel good.  So the plan of action today is, meeting this morning at Bloxwich, a run then a good few hours in my office on paperwork.  I plan to end the year up to date with all my paperwork so I can start January organised and ready for action.

I also found something to occupy my hands when watching tv this weekend and have to say it did take my mind of eating and drinking, I’ve crocheted a scarf and pretty it is too if I do say so myself. 

Right I’m off, I said it would be a short one, although before I go, I think I mentioned last week that I’d started drawing a daily oracle card for me and my friend, well I thought today’s was worth sharing with all of us, it say’s “WORTH WAITING FOR”, this is the cards meaning;

Your patience will be rewarded.  You know what you want and you’ve been waiting for it.  This card means that your patience is about to pay off!  You’ll soon have what your heart desires.  It will most likely be better than you expect. 

Everything happens at the perfect time, and this is why you needed to wait.  You had lessons to learn, and other people had to be ready as well.  Now, everything is set, and you’ll find that your prayers have been answered.  All of your patience and hard work will now be rewarded. 

For now, keep your mind focused on what you want, and don’t think about fear in any way.  If you become afraid, ask for help.  You need to keep the faith.  What you want is worth waiting for.  Instead of settling for something that’s “good enough”, you’ll now have the best.  You deserve the best!

Sounds good doesn’t it, what is it you want that would be worth waiting for, whether you believe in oracle cards or not, I think we can all take something from the card, patience, hard work, focused mind and not settling for something are all things we know are true, and of course – YOU do deserve the best!

Enjoy your day. xx

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