Friday 2 December 2011

O what a beautiful morning!

2nd December 2011

The first sight of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.
- Chicago Tribune

Countdown to Christmas tip - Say goodbye to guilt
If you're ready to maintain, or even prepared that you may gain a little, don't feel guilty. Just take control. Be proactive. There is nothing wrong with taking a break, but make sure you decide how long you want the break to be so you remain in control and don't feel like you're starting again from scratch in January.

First frost I've seen this year, gorgeous with the sun shining low in the sky. Shame I sound like pinky and perky with a touch of laryngitis :) at least I got to lie in bed till eight even if I wasn't sleeping - didn't want to move cos if finally stopped coughing. Alfie however was having none of it and annoyed me till I got up!

Still on track but used some of my weeklies yesterday because I fancied a tin of chicken soup for my tea and it's pp'd on a filling and healthy day. Never mind I'm back on ProPointing today because I defrosted a pack of smoked salmon thinking it was F&H and it's not! I'll be happy to maintain this week as I'm sure my holiday will still be catching up on me plus not being well can affect too what with all those medicines and cough sweets!

An amazing week of weight loss this week in my meetings, those enhancements to the programme certainly seemed to have helped, my members lost 596lb (40 stone) this week and 5 members reached their goals making my total for the year 125 gold members - I so proud off all of you. And to top it off Marjorie Davies who received her 11 years at goal star yesterday too, now that's sensational I'm sure you'll agree. It's what we all want isn't it - to make permanent changes and improve our relationship with food to such an extent we achieve and maintain our goal weight forever.

I'm on the park with Alfie right now and if you have a touch of the winter blues get out and go for a walk because it's glorious. Make sure you wrap up and put your gloves on, you'll be glad you did because this sunshine will improve your mood for sure.

My plan for the weekend once my work is complete is total rest so I can hopefully shake this dose of the lurgy ready for work next week. I  might make a batch of curry vegetable soup up to feed me lots of vitamins too and I also plan to make a linguine dish with Lloyd Grossmans sauce, will share recipe and pp when I've done it.

If you’re following F&H and tracking, send a copy to me so I can share with other members.

Enjoy the sunshine, it’s almost the weekend. xx

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