Saturday 17 December 2011

How you gonna make a dream come true?

17th December 2011

In order to learn the art of dying, one must know completely -- the art of living.  S. N. Goenka

Following on from yesterdays blog and feeling good about yourself, and how I used to put quotes all over my house to improve my mood and motivation levels, another thing I used to do and still do occasionally is use oracle cards.  I don’t particularly believe in fortune telling as such but oracle cards are very positive and if used on a daily basis they can give you something to think about and something to be positive about.  So yesterday I drew one that said, “One step at a time - Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.”  The little booklet that came with the cards went on to say the following;

You may have a big dream, but you may not know how to make it happen. It can come true if you'll focus on taking one small step at a time. If you will just do one or two things a day related to your dream, it will come true more quickly than you can imagine!  You can take small steps to complete any project.  For example, if you need to write a report or clean a room, you can focus on one page or on corner of the job at a time. Don't think about the whole project - just focus on the little bit you're doing right now.  Then once that page or corner is done, you can think about the next page or corner. You can even plan how many pages or corners you'll complete (on a calender) to help you plan ahead.  Taking one step at a time is a secret way to success. You'll be amazed at how much you can do if you'll just make slow and steady progress. Take a moment and think about your project or dream. Imagine that it's already completed, and notice how you feel in your body and your heart. Then ask your angels, "What step should I take right now to make this happen?" Notice any thoughts, feelings, words, or pictures that come to you. If you receive a strong message to take action in a positive way, then do so. Remember that every big job or dream can happen if you'll just break it down into small steps and then take them.

I haven’t got a particular BIG project at the moment although I have had a BIG project going on for the past 10-15 years and that’s been to understand myself and be happy and I’d say it’s working.  One of the things that I constantly work on is my eating habits, partly because of my job but partly because I know if I didn’t there is a very good chance I’d put all my weight back on.  Why?  Well after much thought and self exploration into the subject I believe it is merely because I have a massive love of food and eating and also because I can be a lazy eater which usually involves high calorie food.  It isn’t because of childhood trauma or an unhappy life as a lot of books make out, I just like eating and enjoying social occassions that involve eating with others. 

Now I plan to enjoy Christmas because I’m going away, then on Wednesday all the new Weight Watcher stock arrived and I fell in love with the new Journals - sad I know but I have a passion for pretty note books and they are.  Instantly I wanted to start tracking so I could use one, but part of me said, no we’ll start in January.  Then the obsessive side of me took over and said yeah I’ll fill one in every day for a year because there are four different designs and I’ve never that, this  instantly scared the lazy side of me (yes we all have more than one personality trait – I’m not a nutter!) because I know the likelihood of me doing that is not good and then I’ll feel like I let myself down.  Mmm starting to sound a little crazy now ain’t I? ;)

Anyway yesterday morning after drawing that card I instantly decided to start my journal there and then, not wait until January, not make promises to fill it in religiously for a year, but to just start it.  Why, because I’ll enjoy it, because it’ll make me think before I indulge over Christmas and most of all because I WANT TO!

What do you want to do that you keep putting off, it might be something simple like mine, hell I’ve just spent £4.50 on a tracker and it made my day 2 weeks sooner than if I’d waited till January and I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed it so much then.  It might be something much bigger that you need to break down into smaller steps, for example achieving your goal weight, if that’s the case, ask yourself “what is the first step I need to take”, then take it.

You still here, go on start walking ;)

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