Tuesday 20 December 2011


20th December 2011

The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious. Martin Luther King, Jr.

For a change I’m stuck for something to say!  My brains not really in weight loss mode, although I am tracking 100% truthfully, yesterday ended on 51 ProPoints, so need to work on that.

So instead let’s talk about Christmas and the law of giving!  It can be a difficult time of year if you’re skint, but giving doesn’t have to cost the earth, it not about how much you spend, and giving can be something as simple as your time.  Yep the law of giving affirms, in simple terms, not only do we feel a sense of satisfaction, but we also contribute to the flow of prosperity.  It’s almost impossible to be happy and prosperous without being of service to others.  Offering friendship and showing consideration for others, a smile, a kind word and a few moments of your time are all precious gifts.   Giving is not just an action, it’s an attitude too.  If you give through gritted teeth or merely because you hope to get something back in return, you’re unlikely to feel good and it probably won’t work anyway since others will sense your true motives. 

If you have parents or grandparents or old neighbours who are alone, give them some of your time, getting old is difficult and at this time of year can be lonely to. 

I’m quite distracted this morning and don’t really know how to word the thoughts in my head nor if I even should but without going into detail I think what I’d like everyone to think about today is, “Is there someone I know that could do with some of my attention”, or “Have I done something or behaved in a way that may have caused someone else pain or unhappiness”.  If the answer to either of them is yes, then do something about it. 

I plan to, there’s a person in my life and they are being extremely thoughtless towards another, and now I need to decide how to handle it, because I don’t think they even realise they are doing it!

Iif they’ve got their own problems people can be thoughtless and not even know they are doing it, that doesn’t excuse such behaviour.  On that note, just be a little more thoughtful with your actions and words, the world doesn’t revolve around any one person!

Today, go and be nice to someone you’re not too keen on xx

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