Wednesday 9 November 2011

Just delaying success a little!

9th November 2011

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. ~Helen Keller
Mid week already, a super fast week in my world anyway, another fabulous day, two more members to goal, well done ladies, and 185lb lost in my meetings, so it may be a dull and drab November but my members are still managing to brighten it up by staying on track and losing pounds, yep they’re certainly managing to make my scales smile!

I’m doing my best to stay on track, struggling a little because I’m already in holiday mode in my head even though it’s still 9 sleeps away :-) so I’ve got to hold it together.  I’m also trying to get everything sorted, so I’m really busy and not spending much time thinking about food or cooking.  I didn’t do too bad yesterday had faggots and roast veggie again because I’d made a spare from the day before, breakfast was a bit rubbish, 2 wholemeal pitta breads toasted with phili light – they were about to go stale so needed to be eaten, same with my tea cottage cheese on a jacket, the cottage cheese needs using.  I’m being economical this week, I don’t want to shop unless I have to, I need spending money for my holiday!
I’m not going to stop trying to stay on track though, the next ten days is all about damage limitation, sticking to it as best as I can before I go away, if I do not lose weight before New York I will not see it as a failure, I will see it as delaying my success till I get back!
By the very nature of being human we cannot help but fail. And when we do fail, if we're not careful we can allow the wounds to cut so deeply into our sub conscious that we begin to think - I am a failure. We might start to make safe choices, to settle for less than we really want and that’s not good.
What would it be like if we decide to cast failure in a different light, to take it out of the darkness of shame and guilt, to remove the feeling of 'disaster' associated with it, to look for what it tells us about our well-being and our conduct in life? What enormous amounts of energy would be freed up? And for what?
I’ve always tried to see failure as practicing for future success! Many a transformation has had failure at its root, I’ve had numerous members join my meeting more than once and then suddenly it just clicks and they achieve their goal weight and are now proud gold members, hell I’m one of them, it took me almost 20 years to finally understand what needed to happen for me not to put my weight back on after losing it. Author Suzanne Falter-Barns says, 'There really is no such thing as failure. There is only the rearrangement of plans and the surrender of ego. There is only the twist in the road we never expect', then there’s Richard Branson was has famously stated that his incredible success is partly due to his many failures.
So wherever your heads at with your weight loss journey at the moment remember maintaining your health is a life long journey, you will be at a different stage all the time, losing the weight is just one step, keeping it off is another.  Then there are the stages where you will have gains such as holidays and other times, I know I shall more than likely gain whilst in New York and I’m ok with that, I’ve already planned to get straight back on it as soon as I get back and try and lose a few before I go away at Christmas again. 
Running will help with my plans I hope, that’s why I started it, luckily I now actually enjoy it too, I think mainly because when I’m running, I actually feel fit, strong and healthy which can only put you in a positive frame of mind.  I feel like I’m doing something productive towards maintaining my health.  I was gutted yesterday because my foot was really hurting and I thought it would stop me running again this week, luckily it feels much better today so I shall do 5k later.  I can’t believe how easily 5k rolls off my tongue now when only 3 months ago I was struggling with 5 yards!  Just shows you can do anything you put your mind too with persistence and patience.
Well that’s me feeling all positive this morning after writing that, you know keeping a diary (blog) really helps motivate me every morning because it makes me think about my life and what I’m doing.
Hope you have a fabulous day, I intend to. xx

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