Monday 7 November 2011

Get moving...

7th November 2011

I went shopping yesterday for a couple of skirts and it’s the first time in a long time I have felt comfortable in the changing rooms, I think I’ve finally accepted my shape and if something doesn’t look right on me then I  go and find something else.  So I came away with three long skirts for my holiday and a jumper, o yeah and a pair of black jeans – even better they were all reduced – you gotta love a bargain.

Alfie had walked me miles on the morning, we were out of two hours but it was too much for him and he was in pain for the rest of the day, whining and crying, think his legs ached and he couldn’t get comfortable.  We can all learn a lesson from him – don’t do too much too soon, exercise should be built up slowly and always be within your capability.  I haven’t run for a week today because of my sprained ankle but it seems okay now so back at it later, and I shall build up slowly again. 

Are you trying to motivate yourself to get active but finding it difficult?  Try focusing on the power of regret, research has shown that just a few moments thinking about how much you will regret not going to the gym (or for that walk) will help motivate you to climb off the settee and onto an exercise bike.  And if it’s the gym you choose, once you get there, try avoiding those floor to ceiling mirrors as another study showed that people who constantly saw themselves in the mirror ended up feeling significantly less revitalised and more exhausted than those facing a wall, researchers believe that the mirrors may encourage people to focus on their less than perfect bodies and consequently do more harm than good.

Still not convinced to do a work out of some sort, then think about how you could burn more calories by making small changes to your everyday routines.  It might be something as simple as fetching your morning paper instead of having it delivered, using the stairs more at work rather than the lift.  Wearing a pedometer has made me more aware of how active I am in a day, and when it’s not got many steps showing it encourages me to get moving.

Talking of mirrors, according to yet another study placing mirrors in your kitchen may help you shed pounds ;D  I reckon we should all stick one on the fridge for a week see if it helps :D

I don’t think I’ll be walking Alfie this morning and if I do it’ll only be to the papershop and back so I need to go running to make up those steps on my pedometer, but before I do any of that, I need to load my car. 

Have a great week. x

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