Sunday 9 October 2011

Running out of foods!

9th October 2011

If you cant be a good example, then youll just have to be a horrible warning. Catherine Aird

Walking Alfie round a lovely village called Wooburn Green, it's 7am and really quiet as you can imagine but there's still traffic - you just can't escape it. Had a lovely day yesterday, arrived at lunchtime an we all sat round the table eating KFC, drinking red wine and tea whilst catching up on everything that's happened since the last time we were together.   Later we watched XFactor although I confess to sleeping through it, well the should have given me more cups of tea and less glasses of wine if they wanted me to stay awake! We've not walked for long, I think Alfies a bit unsure of his surroundings, so he's let me back to the cottage.   Mmm different food list didn't get much added although I did have half a gbar which had mixed seed in so I can add sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and poppy seeds plus carob topping so that's five more. I can't count the chicken or the chips because I've had them already this week we had corn on the cob and baked beans think I've already had them too so only five new things added yesterday because I didn't have anything else.  So with only one day left to go my total is 69 which isn't anywhere near the 120 and I expected to do much better because I thought I had a varied diet - not varied enough for that nutritionalist lady, I'd like to see her tracker for a week! It's made me think about what I'm having and made me realise how easy it is to eat the same things day after day and get bored of them which leads us to the goodies such as crisps and chocolate which gives us instant gratification because we're not getting satisfaction at mealtimes.  I made time to run yesterday, did 5k before setting off, it took me 32 1/2 minutes which isn't fast but it's a whole lot faster than I was going sat on the couch!  It earns me 5pp so if I do that 3-4 times a week I'm earning lots and also keeping myself fit and well. I hope to be able to go further once a week and build up gradually but 30mins is enough in the week when I'm busy.  Wished I'd bought my running gear now cos everyone's in bed and I'm sat chilling. Hey ho I'll go get the papers.  Enjoy your day. Xx

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