Friday 14 October 2011

It's all about the food...

14th October 2011

I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. Mike Ditka
WooooHoooooo it’s Friday, and I’m glad, I’ve have a lovely little lie in till 6.15am and am feeling more awake than I have for the last two mornings.  I couldn’t work out why I felt so tired until my leader (yes I have a Weight Watcher leader too!) took a look at my tracker and wiped the floor with me!  What I’d been thinking was just a quick lazy week tracker wise because I didn’t wanna be bothered with spending time in the kitchen, she pointed out was missing fruit and vegetables and full of processed junk!  Mmm good point o great one!

I mentioned earlier in the week that I’d been and bought some foods I wouldn’t normally buy, prepared stuff like crispbakes and cauliflower cheese etc, well yesterday for my lunch I had ½ packet of Turkey Goujons and Morrisons Kitchen Broccoli Cheese, well if that’s convenience food you can keep it, even Alfie spat the goujon out!  And Morrisons forgot to put the broccoli in the cheese sauce – it was minimal.  The worst 10pp I’ve spent in a long time, I do wished I’d taken a photo of it on the plate looking all pathetic but I forgot. 
So after that experience and the conversation with my leader telling me to buck my ideas up, I decided against indulging in a doner kebab for tea and instead took the 500g pack of turkey mince out of the freezer (17pp) ready for when I got home from work.  I then stopped at the co-op on the way to work and bought 3 punnets of mixed fruit already chopped for a fiver (not cheap but convenient and I needed a quick solution to lack of fruit), a bunch of bananas and peppers, mushrooms so I could make a good tea when I got home.

I drank two 500ml bottles of water at my meeting, ate one tray of fruit and a banana and I can honestly say I felt almost instantly brighter (which isn’t easy on a Thursday night after taking 15 meetings!)
I got home about 7.45pm and I had prepared and eaten my dinner by 8.20pm which shows fast food can be cooked from scratch, I chopped onion, carrot, mushrooms and pepper and fried in a tablespoon of oil (4pp) together with 500g turkey mince (17pp) then I added the magic ingredient;

Old El Paso taco spice mix for 3pp, so the entire pan was worth 23pp.  I got the other one of those microwave burgers out of the fridge and toasted the burger to go with my tea and micro’d the burger for Alfie, I don’t need anymore burgers in my life for a while I reckon, the next weeks gonna be healthy, I like to be energised, not shattered which is how the processed stuff was making me feel.   I also want to enjoy what I’m eating and my tea last night tasted tops, my lunch yesterday tasted like something’s bottom!

I’ve had a fab week in my meetings, a couple more members achieving their gold, a couple of 50lb certificates and as we weighed all the members this week we added up all their total weight losses since they joined, so for example Debbie who achieved her goal this week has lost 9stone total, Rachel on Thursday morning has lost 93lb, you get the gist, so the total weight loss for all my members to date that weighed in this week was a staggering 786 stone!  In case you were wandering that’s an average of 21lb per member, damn good plan I reckon ;D
Well I’m off to walk the dog, do my paperwork and generally have a lovely day, what you doing?

Enjoy xx

1 comment:

  1. Bye, back to America we go! I'm still juggling that @#$% last 5 pounds. I do find that our grocery shopping has more from the produce aisle and virtually nothing from the snacky aisle- if I just skipped the wine aisle it would be better.
