Thursday 27 October 2011

a good old-fashioned tea break...

27th October 2011

If you don't have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it?

Busy, busy, busy still at the moment but I’m working on the solution and yesterday I even decided to do something I haven’t done in a very, very long time – I had a 15 minutes afternoon break and sat reading my Weight Watchers magazine whilst driving a cup of WW cappuccino and eating a WW toffee bar and it was lovely to slow down and stop for a while.

I haven’t had a Weight Watchers Toffee Bar for so long and I’d forgotten how good they are, I even managed to just have the one because it was so satisfying, so that’s going to be my new practice, every afternoon a 10-15 minutes break with a cuppa and a treat to have a little bit of me time.   That way my box will last me the working week ;D YAY, it’s like having a proper job and everything!

I had grey peas and bacon for my lunch yesterday, they were out of the freezer and delicious and I was so glad I’ve cooked a huge batch of them as I’ll be able to eat them over the next few weeks.  Today I’m making Spanish cod & chorizo from the cooking for two book mmm, proper food, I haven’t had chorizo for a while and me and Alfie loves it.

I also bought a butternut squash from Lidls for 69p and I’m going to cook the cheesy baked squash recipe from out of last weeks YOUR WEEk which looks delicious too and only 5pp per serving. 

I’ve really missed cooking meals from scratch so need to get back into it, I enjoy cooking when I have the time so I’m going to somehow find that time again.

I’m loving my meetings this week, my members make it so worthwhile, I love listening to them chatting and sharing ideas whilst I’m weighing, and you can’t beat having a job where you get to have a giggle with the customers can you really.  How lucky am I?  I’m enjoying planning next weeks meeting too because it’s right up my street, positive thinking, I always enjoy that top.

Busy day today with five meetings but I’m still going to cook inbetween, even if it means doing the paperwork tomorrow, I’m in no rush tomorrow as we’re not doing lunch, we’re having a curry on Saturday instead because we’re doing the Twilight Walk for Compton Hospice from 9pm.  I’ve still got my 49 weeklies saved to enjoy my curry so looking forward to that. 

I did manage to fit in a 5k run yesterday too, it was a gorgeous day for it, I’m not getting any faster though and the last weeks felt like it’s getting harder but its still doing what I set out for it to do, quick activity with lots of additional ProPoints earned, I ended the day on 12 activity ProPoints on my pedometer yesterday, 6 from running and 6 from walking, and I enjoyed them too, 2pp for toffee bar, 1pp for ww cappuccino, 4pp walkers crisps and a couple of sneaky rum and cokes 6pp to be on safe side.  Why am I drinking rum you ask?  Because it’s been a week since I bought wine and I have to say my house feels so empty ;-)

I’ll treat myself to a bottle this weekend?  What you going to treat yourself too?

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