Tuesday 23 August 2011

Those pesky scales!

23rd August 2011

You can make your life whatever you want it to be. Wally Amos

What will you be?
Do you love your life?  Are you happy?  I am, I enjoyed every second of this weekend, the weight will go but the memories won't and that’s why I was still smiling when I got off the scales yesterday morning and it told me I’d gained 5lb – HOW the hell did I do that in just a week, there really is a fat girl in me screaming to get out and she tries every now and again to lead me down ‘Sod it Street’, imagine the damage I could do if I stopped watching my weight, if I stopped tracking and taking care of myself.  Oh my word it doesn’t even bear thinking about, because the last time I did that, I gained 3 stone in a year and I’m never going back there.

How do you react when the scale registers a gain, disappointment can hit hard. Sometimes it’s expected and other times those pesky scale can surprise you. You may have stuck to the plan diligently this week and you're looking forward to weighing in, you step on the scale and you’ve gained, how did that happen when you’ve been on track and got more active? And why bother sticking to it, if it doesn't show on the scales?

I can’t begin to remember all the times I’ve been frustrated with the scales after a gain, and I used to get de-motivated, but these day’s I’ve realised I shouldn’t, instead I congratulate myself for my hard work and stay positive about the coming week. We all know if we stay on plan, eat healthy foods and keep focused the results have to follow.

If you have stuck to the plan and still gained, remember that any number of factors could be the cause: starting a new exercise regimen, not measuring your portions accurately, or consuming too much sodium (which can cause water retention).  So if you don’t already maybe decide to try to be varied in what you eat: get plenty of protein and carbohydrates. Learn to eat real food now so you'll be able to do it when you reach your goal weight.  Why not look at your salt intake, try eating lots of high-fibre foods and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water
Use the weight graph to keep running calculations of your average weight loss per week. Then even if you have a gain, it’ll show that you are losing at a pace that is considered steady and healthy.  Remember you’re aiming for up to 2lb a week.  Why not get that tape measure out and see how you’re body shrinking.
If you’re still not happy go online and vent your frustrations on our facebook group and stay to your meetings for the support you’ll need. 

Remember it’s not just a short term weight loss thing; it’s a permanent life change, eating better and exercising to become a healthier and happier person.  Stick with it. Slow and steady wins the race.  Let’s not forget it took my mom about 40 years to get to goal but now she maintains better than anyone I know and still eats cake!
The nights are getting darker, it’s 5.30am and still dark outside, so make the most of these last days of summer and get out when you can.

1 comment:

  1. Ladies who have not entered the golden years may experience those lovely time of month shifts.
