Saturday 27 August 2011

Anyone seen Batman?

August 27th 2011
You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. Margaret Thatcher
What a glorious morning after yesterdays rain, not sure what it was like here but in Melton Mowbrey at Twin Lakes park it never stopped all day but we still managed to enjoy ourselves and have a fabulous time.  Never thought I’d hear myself say it but I was glad of indoor soft play areas with that rain.  The kids had a fabulous time and they’re so well behaved, the two I took were just brilliant and Katie made my day with her comment, “I can speak some Welsh Lynne”, so I said, “cymru am byth”, her response, “Not that one”, well I just cracked up, so dry, so seriously but so funny.  She actually meant she could do the Welsh accent like in the Gavin and Stacey show and I have to say she did it very well but it really tickled me.   

I’m not rushing this morning, I initially needed to be in Burton for 8.30am but now I can get there about noon, so I’ve had a lie in till 6, Alfie’s took me on a 90 minute walk, we’ve stood a foot away from a robin, we’ve seen two swans with their 5 babies, it’s been lovely, I bumped into my sister and walked with her for a while and chatted.  Great start to my day and now the suns shining, let’s hope it stays that way.  Although I’m off to the cinema so it doesn’t matter what the weather does.  Picnics aren’t so much fun indoors, I ended up bringing most of it back and we had a pub dinner on the way home, the kids aren’t interested in food when they’re playing, if only we were of the same mind ay?!
So my weekend is mapped out in front of my, how you spending your bank holiday, will you be able to stay on track.  I plan to do my babysitting duty this afternoon the watch XFactor and relax tonight, tomorrow/Monday  I’ve got a mountain of ironing to do and a gate to paint and other than that I’m doing diddly squat, I’m mostly going to be relaxing, watching tv, maybe some cooking but I’m not planning anything, shall just do what I feel like. 
Diet wise, I’m not being great, I’m not eating to excess but I haven’t been totally focussed, I just need to make it to the end of the six weeks holidays with these kids and I can refocus – lol, I sound like a lot of my members ;D but seriously we’re having fun and as long as I don’t do too much damage and keep getting weighed and doing my best, that’s all that matters.  This summer has done my mental health the world of good and my physical health is improving too now I’m doing that 0-5k training programme.  As long as you’re doing what you can to keep yourself fit and well, that’s all that matters.  Next weekend will be our last ‘day out’, it’s looking like Blackpool at the moment so we’ll see, then I can get focused and shift the summer poundage and hopefully some of you will be returning to do it with me!
Well I better get a wriggle on, I’ve got two kids waiting for me, and I still have a few jobs to do first.
Have a sensational Saturday.

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