Saturday 30 July 2011

Yesterday I ate a man!

30th July 2011

Turn your wounds into wisdom.  Oprah Winfrey

Well I had a great day yesterday, got all my work done on morning then made lunch for my friends (chicken with 40 cloves of garlic & Spanish roasted vegetables, followed by marbled cheesecake), I dropped mom off for her eye op to have her 2nd cataract removed and then went home and waited for my guests, 3 moms, 5 kids and we had a lovely afternoon, the kids made pizza for their lunch and also decorated gingerbread men, Jenny did this one for me which was 9pp without the decorations!  So my weekly allowance was well spent on gingerbread men x 2 and the leftover white wine from the meal I’d cooked and well worth it too.

The kids have decorated my back garden with chalk, they drew a lovely image of me with a hairy bellybutton – nice!  Now that should guarantee no rain for the rest of the six weeks cos we’d like the chalk to wash away ;D  I have to say, I’d kill for their energy, the ran round playing cops and robbers for ages, then ran round the park too.  Can’t wait for next weekend, we’re off to Cadbury World, it’s great not being a grown up.

So I have 5pp left of my weekly allowance and I do have 22pp that I earned on my pedometer Monday – Thursday, probably more but I forgot to wear it yesterday and didn’t put it on this morning either, so this weekend should be a doddle because I’m going to keep myself busy.  I’ve got lots of keyring charms to make that I’m hoping to raise funds for Compton Hospice by selling them to you, I’ve got plenty of office work to do and who know I may indulge in a bit of housework or ironing but only if I get desperate.  Might make some soup today too, use up the spinach in the fridge, or maybe a lasagne to freeze, I’ll have a look on esource for recipes with spinach in them.

I smiled to myself last night as I sat looking at the lovely bunch of flowers the kids bought me thinking to myself, who’d have thought I’d have guests for lunch and a house full of kids running about, certainly not me 6 months ago, my house has always been my retreat, my sanctuary where people rarely get to enter.  But things change don’t they and so do people, I really enjoyed having them over and would definitely do it again. 

The one thing you can count on 100% of the time is change. All things change.  So if you’re not in the best place at the moment, or you’re struggling to get on track, remember that fact – things change, whatever is happening will pass.   Of course this doesn’t mean I’m giving you permission to sit idly by and wait for something to change your life. No it’s more an assurance that no matter how desperate a situation is, it will end and how it ends is largely up to you. You may be able to change the outcome by taking action. If you cannot, you can absolutely change your response to the situation. 

A lot of the time when we’re having a tough time, chances are you can handle whatever is happening in this moment, however you’re probably stuck in the past where the source of the problem started, because often the thing upsetting us is buried in the past or projected into the future.  Most upset is derived from our unwillingness to accept or release something.  A bit like holding water, the tighter we grasp the less we have. Often the intense energy we waste clinging to something is our single greatest obstacle to our good. We greatly improve our lives and results by letting go.  Letting go does not mean giving up. It means that we do our very best to achieve our desires, take our frenetic, chaotic energy out of the picture and release our attachment to the outcome.

So decide to return to now, because there is no other time you can ever actually experience.  Think about it, you can’t change the past so why keep replaying it and you can’t predict the future so why fret about it, and if the present is a little difficult right now, remember things change.  Choose to live in the NOW, that is all you’ll ever need to do. That is all you can ever do.

Living in the now saves an awful lot of worry, a lot of people asked me if I was worried about moms operation yesterday, my reply was NO, I’m not even thinking about it, I don’t think about things until they happen, which is why we had a bit of a miss match lunch yesterday cos I’d forgot I was supposed to be cooking it at about 11 o’clock ;D  I wasn’t going to worry about mom because worrying is like a wooden rocking horse, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.  O heck now I want a rocking horse!

:D have a wickedly wonderful day, I’m going to wait on my mom hand and foot because she’s the patient this weekend ;D

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