Tuesday 19 July 2011

Well done - you're going great xx

19th July 2011
Keys to success... Research your idea, Plan for success, Expect success, & just plain do it! It amazes me how many people skip the last step! Practice being a doer  and success will follow you every step of the way!    Josh S. Hinds  

Another 50lb certificate awarded last night to Sam, well done chick, she does look fabulous and I can’t remember her looking any different if I’m honest.  I lost 2lb at my weigh in yesterday morning, that’s since last Monday, so I was thrilled and now I’m officially goal plus 6.5lb at my regularly weigh in, which is the same as I was Friday night when my boss weighed me so it’s all good and I know I’m going to get to goal because I have the WANTIVATION to do it back.
Praise – that’s what we all want isn’t it, whether it’s being acknowledged for our weight loss, our parenting skills, or our work, whatever the reasons there’s nothing quite like a bit of praise to make you feel fabulous.  Last night I whisked through a thread on the group page and it gave me a warm feeling when I read the nice comments two members had written on there about me, getting compliments from members that have been sent to customer service, it’s just the best feeling ever.  And getting on the scales, losing weight and having someone say ‘well done’ it just makes it all worth while doesn’t it because we all like a bit of praise, we all want to know we’re doing well.

And if no one else is praising you, do it yourself!  ;D
You can use positive self-talk to help you create a positive frame of mind by encouraging yourself to use positive words.  Words are so powerful, and the words you repeat to yourself – out loud or in the head – can make a big difference.
If you tend to be hard on yourself, if you’re just not sure about your ability to accomplish your goals, if you frequently use words like, ‘can’t’, ‘shouldn’t’, or ‘never’ replace them with positive self-talking to put some positive power behind your efforts.
Start by being aware of your negative thoughts.  Pay attention to: ‘should’, ‘ought’, ‘must’, ‘always’, ‘never’ and ‘can’t’.  Next challenge those thoughts, ask yourself, “Is there any reason for me to think this way?”  Start to develop positive thoughts to replace those negative ones.  And repeat those positive thoughts to yourself as often as positive.

Why not make up a positive mantra you can repeat to yourself when you aren’t having the best day, for example;

“I’m becoming the me I want to be”
“everyday in every way I’m healthier and happier”
I am slimmer, I am healthier, & therefore I am happier! 

Whatever works for you, the second one has been mine for a very long time, for me over the last couple of years it stopped being about a number on the scales so much as a state of mind, I didn’t want food to be in control of me, I didn’t want it to be the one thing I think about constantly.  I wanted food to be something I enjoyed in a healthy way and I wanted to be happy in my life and by working on those two things the weight loss has followed.  For me it has always been about finding a balance between something I truly enjoy (eating, drinking and food) and my health and happiness.

One of the things that has helped me with that balance is cooking my own delicious, healthy foods so that I didn’t have to eat the same old ready meals week in, week out.  I loved it Thursday when one of my members walked up to the scales and said, “I can’t wait to get on these scales and tell you your Bevs Bites doesn’t work”, she got on and lost 1.5lb and was truly shocked, she’d followed a week plan from my Bevs Bites and thought she must be eating too much and there was not chance she’d lose anything, but she did, and that just proves with a bit of imagination, thought and preparation losing weight can be enjoyable.

I love the Weight Watcher cookbooks, they are just brilliant for finding something quick, easy and delicious to cook and more importantly – EAT!  Speaking of which I might go and have a quick flick through and see if I can find something to make later on or I may just make another of those cheesecakes but with banana mmm.

Enjoy your day and more importantly your food and remember you’re doing fabulously, keep up the effort. xx

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