Sunday 24 July 2011

Not quite Thomas the Tank but it is a Virgin!

23rd July 2011

I am an optimist. It does not seem to be much use being anything else. Winston Churchill
Sat on a train on my way to London, we're off for a day of art, starting with a Tracey Eminent exhibition 'love is what you want' then wherever Belinda (our Artist mate) decides to take us, speaking of B if anyone has access to a laser printer and could print about 10 A4 colour sheets a week for a poor artist - let me know .

I had a good day yesterday, we went bowling again, 8 of us and I'm officially going through my second childhood - it's fab, I'm having a great time and best of all the last thing on my mind is food and drink which is a bonus.

I've just nearly had my head taken off with a backpack, they really don't think about the luggage behind them when they walking down the aisles!

I'm hoping to earn lots of activity ProPoints walking round London, I'm already at healthy from walking Alfie, I've gotta try and stay on track today.

I've already decided I need to remind myself when we go for something to eat that I want to lose weight on Monday so I must make wise food choices if I want that to happen.

So do u want to lose weight next week, is there anything this weekend that may interfere with that outcome? If yes have you decided how you're going to handle it, are you going to make wise food choices or will you suffer 'sod it' syndrome. My aim is to stay focused but of course anything can happen in the next half hour. The girls have gone to get coffee and I'm not going because I'll be tempted by a breakfast panini, prevention is better than cure. They've just come back and bought me a flapjack thing worth 8pp even though I'd told them I wasn't going with them because I'd buy food and they bring me some anyway!

However your spending your day don't do it in an ignorant way - be aware of your actions. Xx

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