Wednesday 27 July 2011

A lotta lotta lasagne...

27th July 2011

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C. S. Lewis

What a glorious day it was yesterday, not too hot but very bright, wouldn’t it be lovely if the entire summer was made up of days like that.  I had my usual busy Tuesday and still managed to cook, I really enjoy it, I made cheese and gammon lasagne with fresh lasagne, then made a butternut squash and gammon lasagne with dried lasagne because I still had some gammon left to use, both were delicious if I do say so myself, one I had for lunch the other for my dinner.  I’ll have some again today and freeze the rest.  Both recipes will be in my Cheap Eats which shouldn’t be long now.

I ended the day on 26pp, even with indulging in my first glass of red wine in a few weeks, one of my members brought it me last week and I just fancied it - 6pp well spent.  I’m going to use what’s left to make a beef and red wine hot pot mmm, if I buy the beef whilst I’m out this morning I can put it on slow all afternoon then eat it tomorrow, always tastes better the day after, don’t you agree.

Yesterday I was reminded by my Weight Watcher leader to drink plenty of water, I’d got out of the habit again and yet it’s so important and simple to do, so I’ve got my big glass on my desk again and not feeling so tired today so maybe I was a bit dehydrated before although I preferred the idea that it was my body disapproving of the lack of red wine in my system ;-)

It was great to see so many yesterday morning and that moms aren’t using the school holidays as an excuse not to get weighed, 6 weeks is a long time to go off track and you can do so much damage in that time. It’s important to get weighed wherever you go.

Just realised I’m messing about, started this blog half hour ago and got side tracked! But I have just created and ordered some rather nice postcards J which has given me another idea, so all is good.

A member sent me an email with an interesting link yesterday and she actually wrote

Thought you may enjoy this. Although it sounds like you wrote it!!” which made me smile.  It was about how staying slim is all about your attitude which if you’ve sat in my meeting often enough you know I totally agree with, “choose your mood” is definitely up there with one of my favourite comments. 

In the article they suggested you find new thrills, as dieting has it’s own built-in reward system, for example every pound you lose feels like you’ve hit the lottery, your scales smiling at you, the waistbands on your trousers getting looser, people paying you compliments.  Life is good when you’re in the zone, then you get to goal and you have to keep that buzz going to help you maintain your new habits.  So reward yourself regularly with anything other than food or drink, cd, magazine, bunch of flowers, anything that feels good that you can afford.

It’s also really important to love your body, it’s never going to look like the bodies in the magazines, heck their bodies don’t even really look like those photos, so enjoy your new shape, or your changing shape if you’re still on the weight loss journey, love your lumps, I love mine, I often sit holding my spare tyre in a loving cuddly kind of way, it’s part of me and I love me so I love the tyre too.  Lose the “I feel fat” feeling and start looking in the mirror and saying “I feel fab”.

The article also suggested you adopt a ‘can do’ philosophy, are you likely to gain now and again, probably, what matters more is how you react to that gain.  Lose the all or nothing mentality, and start being flexible and realistic, no one loses weight every week and life gets in the way sometimes, heck Saturday I either had to eat Pizza Express or not eat and as much as I want to get back to goal, I wasn’t missing lunch.  The important thing is to get back on track as soon as possible.

So however yesterday went, for me it went brilliantly and hopefully for you it did too, but if it didn’t so ‘hey ho’ and start afresh today.  Life’s too short to live in the past. xx

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