Monday 11 July 2011

It's Monday again

11th July 2011
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
How was your weekend, mine was fab, sometimes the simplest days are the best, yesterday I spent about 3½hours in the kitchen cooking loads of food, made Broccoli and spinach soup, savoury bread pudding, spaghetti bolognaise, beef larb, chicken & broccoli bake, spinach and cheese lasagne and liver and onions, mmm, so I’m sorted for the week meals wise. The best of it was most of the ingredients I used were from the reduced section, whenever I go in the supermarket and they’ve reduced the mince or chicken I buy it and freeze it, the broccoli was also reduced when I went shopping Friday and I didn’t use it till Sunday and it was still ok. The savoury bread recipe is great for using up your stale bread. The recipe for that can be found on my website, it’s on the Bev’s Bites 2 download page 10 (this booklet is also available to buy in my meeting and all the money is donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust).

The chicken and broccoli bake was a new recipe for me and I have to say the sauce tastes good so I’m assuming the meal will too.

Here’s the recipe;
Creamy Chicken and Broccoli Bake, 6pp per serving
Ready in 55 mins, Serves: 3
Prep:10 mins | Cook:45 mins

225g / 8oz Broccoli florets
3-4 skinned chicken breast portions (16pp)
1 can Campbell's low fat condensed chicken soup (4pp)
50g / 2oz Hellmans Extra Light Mayonnaise (4pp)
1 tsp curry paste
Splash of skimmed milk (1pp)

1. Cook broccoli in boiling water until almost tender.
2. Place chicken breasts and broccoli in a shallow oven proof dish.
3. Mix together the soup, mayonnaise, and curry paste with a splash of skimmed milk (to double cream consistency).
4. Spoon the mixture over the chicken and broccoli, coating them well.
5. Bake at 190C / 375F for 45 mins or until bubbling all the way through.
For an extra 2pp per person I topped mine with cheese.
After my mammoth cookathon, I took Alfie over Cannock Chase for a couple of hours, we didn’t walk it was too hot, instead we sat and watched the world go buy and had a natter, whilst Alfie tormented Roxie (I’d say his new playmate but if she could talk she’d tell him to sod off, she doesn’t want to play with him). I did smile when little Jenny said about Alfie, “Look at him so proud of his smallness”, and she was spot on, my Alfie is proud of who he is, just like his owner. So take a leaf out of Alfie’s book and be PROUD of who you are because you’re perfect for you.
Apart from Friday night, I haven’t had a drink since Tuesday and I hope to keep that momentum going for a while yet, it has become a habit, get in from work pour a glass of wine and some habits can do more harm than good, so it’s one I need to undo. I’m trying to decide what to replace it with, I can’t start drinking diet coke every night because that’ll stop me sleeping, although I’ve slept like a brick the last few nights. Maybe sugar free squash, I do enjoy tea but don’t want to drink more than I already do. Fruit teas perhaps, mint tea is quite refreshing, and I have some Elderflower cordial in my cupboard (that’s the same colour as wine too ;D)
Think about your habits this week, we’ll be talking about them and other things in this weeks meeting. See you on weigh day. xx

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