Wednesday 6 April 2011

6th April 2011

Keep on going and chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you least expect it. I never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down. Charles F Kettering.

A much better day had food wise yesterday, used 31 and earned 4pp on my pedometer, I had a banana wrap (weird I know) for breakfast, 3 egg omelette and salad for lunch, and liver and bacon with mash, broccoli and green beans for tea which was delicious . I had a packet of Weight Watcher bakes too for a snack plus a smooth glass of red wine to lull me off to sleepland around 9ish. I know if I can eat healthier this week, which for me means including plenty of veg, then hopefully this headcold that’s lingered for almost a month may go, and even if it doesn’t I’ll feel well enough to cope with it!

Boredom seems to be a word that’s cropped up a lot this week, a word I used to use a lot but rarely these days, these days I have so much I want to do, it’s only time I’m lacking. I think if we’re not careful we all get so bogged down with the day to day things that we rarely make time for things we enjoy, the things that we find interesting. Unfortunately if you don’t find things to be passionate about in life, that creative energy that dwells within you will be forced into unproductive things like eating, arguing with your spouse, watching television constantly, and so on. Your life actually depends on you finding things that make your heart sing.

So what makes you’re heart sing? Maybe you don’t know, maybe it’s time to find out, is there something you’ve always tried to do but never got round too, or never been brave enough? Thomas Edison once said, “If we did all the things we are capable of we would truly astound ourselves”. Do you think you haven’t got time to do anything? If you ever get bored – you’ve got time. I love to read and rarely have time, so yesterday I made myself ‘make time’, I’ve started turning my phone off when I get back from my meeting in the even so that I’m not messing on it doing my emails, or reading your comments on face book page. Yes I have realised I need to get the work/life balance back as at the moment, work has been tipping the scales, and as much as I love what I do, I need the me time just as much to keep me alive.

Obviously your life will determine what hobbies/activities you can do, if you get bored at night when the kids have gone to bed, you can hardly go out to a dance class and leave them home alone, but you could get a dance dvd and do it at home.

Some hobbies are expensive but not all of them, scrapbooking can be real fun, it’s a great way to store memories and you can even do online scrapbooking on your computer, use your search engine to find out more.

I sometimes make cards, why not have a go at that, that way what you make you can use, if you start now, you’ll have plenty come Christmas.

Why not use those hours when you’re bored to learn something, again this is one of my big passions, learning is one of the things that makes my heart sing, I really love that light bulb moment when something makes sense, or when I learn something I can share with others to help them. Actually writing this paragraph has just helped me answer a question I’ve been undecided about, so maybe journaling would be another good pastime, a place to store your memories and thoughts.

Unfortunately so many of us have made eating almost a hobby and that’s just not healthy, so we need to replace it with something else, I’ve sort of kept eating as a hobby in that it now includes planning my meals, looking for recipes, watching cookery programmes, actually cooking the food and finally eating the finished product.

So whatever you have planned today, make sure you spare some ‘me time’ to give yourself a bit of space to breathe, don’t be bored – do something. xx

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