Sunday 3 April 2011

3rd April 2011

Beauty is only skin deep, ugly goes to the bone.

This was what we had for our main meal yesterday and it was delicious, plus it was only 7pp, smoked haddock, mashed potato, baby asparagus, broccoli sprouting and green beans. Even better, it only took 15 minutes to cook, the mash was ready made and warmed up in the microwave, the fish took 15m in the oven, and I steamed the veg in 5 mins. I’m really starting to enjoy fish and it’s so low in ProPoints compared to red meat.

I also bought mom some Honeycomb Puffs which taste just like Sugar Puffs, which work out at 3pp per 30g, that’s not including milk.

I was listening to the radio yesterday on the way back from the shop, and Beautiful South came on, they were singing ‘Perfect Ten’, I’m a huge fan and I also love lyrics, and after the meetings I’ve done this week, this song made me smile and reinforced the message that I was trying to get over that we’re all amazing and lovely and gorgeous in our own unique ways, I love this verse from their song;

'Cause we love our love,
in different sizes
I love her body, especially the lines
Time takes it's toll, but not on the eyes
Promise me this, take me tonight
Great song, great lyrics and very, very true!

Don’t forget it’s mother’s day today, as if you would, it’s mother’s day every day in our house, my mom’s spoilt ;D but I will wait on her hand and food today, make sure she doesn’t make the drinks.

It’s lovely that kids will be treating their mom’s special today, it’d be even better if they did it more regularly ;D It would also be amazing if we all started to be good to ourselves all the time! Looking after number one may seem like a selfish attitude, but if you don’t, you’ll be in no state to look after anyone else. I like to call it “Self-Care” rather than selfish.

How you care for yourself is the foundation of which you build your life. Do you treat yourself with the kindness, love, tolerance and respect that you show others? Do you neglect yourself? How you care for yourself ultimately determines the quality of your life, so in order to take care of others, you need to take care of your own needs first.

On airplanes they tell you in case of an emergency put your own oxygen mask on first before doing anyone else’s, that’s because otherwise you will become a liability! Why not start from today, giving yourself a regular dose of oxygen, by that I mean something that brings you pleasure. And no I don’t mean your work or children, I mean the simple things that make you feel good, the things you forget to do because you don’t make time for them, such as reading, dancing, music, spending time with your children or friends, having your nails done, phoning a friend for a chat, or even having an early night. Anything that gives you some regular ‘me time’ and helps you take care of you.
So starting today, starting taking care of you xx

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