Thursday 28 April 2011

28th April 2011

He who knows he has enough is rich. Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching

“I can’t afford to buy all this healthy food”

Now there’s another sentence I hear often! Do I agree with it? Is it a true statement?

No personally I don’t agree but at the same time you can make weight loss cost a fortune if you buy all the ‘special diet’ food. Baked beans on toast, cheap and healthy.

Lot’s of people worry that losing weight is going to be expensive but it doesn’t have to be. Firstly always buy fruit and vegetables that are in season and if they aren’t in season look for frozen. Make use of the markets too, you can get some real bargains there.

Soup is really healthy and cheap to make and if you make it in bulk you can freeze it. Opt for cheaper cuts of meat to make filling and satisfying meals.

I don’t buy special food, I buy the food I’ve always eaten and just watch those portion sizes, it was the takeaways and snacking that was costing me a fortune, have you seen the price of fish and chips lately or a donor kebab! there are some recipes on here that are economical to make, the corned beef hash is great and really easy. As is the

Chicken Fricassee
Serves 2, 9pp each

100g brown rice (10pp)
low fat cooking spray
2 x 125g skinless boneless chicken breasts
300ml chicken stock (use 1½ chicken oxo cubes)
110g carrots, peeled and cut into thick chunks.
150g button mushrooms, sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
75g low fat soft cheese

Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook the rice according to the packet instructions. Drain well and leave to cool. Meanwhile, lightly coat a deep, lidded, non stick frying pan with low fat cooking spray and heat until hot. Add the chicken and cook for 3-4 minutes until browned all over. Add the stock and carrots. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes until tender. Meanwhile, lightly coat another small non-stick frying pan with low fat cooking spray. Add the mushrooms and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes until the juices have been released and evaporated. Add the garlic and rice and cook for a further minute, until hot. Divide between two plates. Remove the chicken and carrots with a slotted spoon, reserving the stock. Place the chicken and carrots on top of the rice. Keep warm. Return the pan with the stock to the hob. Boil quickly for 1 minute. Remove from the heat. Stir in the soft cheese. Pour the sauce over the chicken.

If you have a cheap meal that you cook why not share it on the facebook wall,!/pages/Bevs-Weight-Watchers/133361767350 so others can benefit too.

As for exercise, walking doesn’t cost a thing and it is on of the best forms of exercise there is.

Well I’m off for my daily free walk with Alfie, and I’m gonna have beans with garlic bread for lunch as they were free with the pizza I bought mom!

Enjoy your day.

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